***Yahoo Groups that I follow is below****
Here is a post I did this morning in one of my Yahoo Groups! If anyone is interested
I have 5+ cases of Promote w/Fiber. If any one can use them they are yours. Just pay shipping. One case is about 16 lbs and my zip code is 54956 ~ if you'd like to figure shipping out. Just email me if you're interested. I believe I have 2 more cases sitting in Florida too I will post when I get back down there and whatever I have is available too the zip down there is 33928. Go figure I just filled the order and then they changed his food. Hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying the holiday season. Take care!
Lori Osero - Mom toAvrianna - 6yrs (Hereditary Spherocytosis, Homeschooled & Attitude)Danny - 4.75yrs (HIE, Severe Spastic Quad CP, Seizures, Gtube, Unstable temperature, COPD & Sleep Apnea,Precocious Puberty,ITB Pump, Kyphoscoliosis, Nissen, SIADH, Hydronefrosis both kidneys, Cortical Vision Impairment,Renal Tubular Acidosis,Optical Atrophy, Right hip dislocated, Laryngo & Tracheal & Broncial malacia, C Diff,Chronic Ear Infections, Homebound therapies)
Here is a list of yahoo groups that I follow : some of you may have found this site because of one of the groups.....they are full of wonderful people that have helped me termeniously in support of our families journies. You don't see a group that I follow that may be beneficial to us please let me know
Cortical Vision Impairment (Danny's has CVI) - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Corticalvisionimpairments/
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephelapathy (Danny sustained HIE during delivery and that's the cause for many of his medical issues ~ means lack of blood and oxygen in the brain)
Parents of Severly Disabled Children -
Special Child Exchange - Wonderful group that posts to recycle or sell no longer used medical forms, supplies, equipment, and toys that our kiddos can play with.
Special Needs Umbrella - support group full of Parents/Caregivers that are located in the Fox Valley (WI) area
Our Special Needs Children - Support with ALL different types of therapies and education for our kiddos
Spherocytosis ~ This is the blood disorder that Avrianna and her father have
Trach Parents ~ Danny has been teetering with a Trach so I am trying to get as much info as possible
Homeschool sites :
How Do I Let Go of My Adult EA/TEF Child?
5 days ago
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