Sunday, November 16, 2008

Working Hard

Today is definitely NOT how I had hoped it would go could be worse. Avrianna is more tired then usual so she is relaxing for the day watching tv. Good thing it is chillier out so no swimming today. Today is going to be a recharge day, I hope, as her body is working too hard to stay up to Avrianna's pace. I signed her up to the a the Miley Cyrus fan club website so she is eagerly playing on it.

Danny is also "off" today....very flushed, but no fever. Working hard to breath as he is "playing" with his junk in the back of his throat. He is very raspy today so we are working on our 2nd round of Mr. Jiggles and probably looking at least 2 more times. What a god sent to have all the equipment here as I'm sure this episode would have warranted a stop at a local ER. Glad I am able to dodge that, LOL!

So I am working very hard and keeping things on an even scale. Well got to get going and change a diaper, remove Mr. Jiggles, and feed the kids. Never a dull moment. Take care!

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