Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ok ~ this is what happens when you don't pay attention and OPEN your eyes. Yesterday after my family and I went out to lunch... I was loading Danny up in the full size van and I tripped over his lift backwards. UGH! This was just a nickel in size last night and when I got up this morning it was bigger, swollen, and it hurts like hell. I'm sure I bruised the muscle too, eek. So needless to say I hope I don't do that again. Don't worry Danny wasn't on the ramp yet so no harm no foul there, it's was just my plain stupidity :) This picture doesn't do the color justice, LOLThe newest hair do! Without glasses And with :) Avrianna was playing with the camera and wanted to take some pictures. She's pretty good!

Today I tore Avrianna's closet apart, removed all the clothes that she's outgrown (she needs to slow down, darn kids they just dont listen....I keep telling her not to grow up), and stocked it back up with summer clothes. Think positive :) summer PLEASE come soon. One room down and two more to go, this is a step in the right direction, YIPPEE!

Tomorrow Danny has his first therapy since we've been back from the school district with Mr Dan (PT). I'm so excited! Plus we are having our DME guy out tomorrow so we can get Danny to fit better in his chair, yeap this whole they don't listen and keep growing on me, sigh. His chair is less then 6 months old and we are already having to adjust, ugh. He is getting to be such a big boy. My mom came and watched the kids this afternoon and she was in awe with how well Danny held his head up high and was looking at her....really checking her out. Way to go buddy!

Thanks for praying for Matt today....he is out of surgery and off the tube, yay! They are going to have to redo this procedure on Saturday (to wash out the wound hoping to get rid of the infection) so please follow his story and send some prayers his way. His grandma was sent to the ER while visiting him so they really could use good vibes sent there way, sigh.

Our walk is on May 30th so ~ Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN.Thanks for stopping by...please comment after the post or sign our guestbook to let us know you stopped in. We love reading your posts too :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pray for Matt

Sorry for the lack of updates lately but I've just been going in ALL directions. Not too much to report anyway so that is a good thing. Avrianna is well, Danny is doing great, and the house is coming along.
Danny had a PT eval today and he did wonderful, we are getting him ready for therapy during the summer as he will not be doing summer school through the school district. He still isn't totally peeing by himself everyday so I still have to cath him once or twice a day, but it's getting better.
I just signed Avrianna up for her summer camps and piano lessons. Let me tell you I have to run her somewhere once and even twice EVERY day to somewhere. Then add Danny's PT 2 times a week ..... we are going to be on the move ALL summer long.
The house is going great! I've been out there for a couple hours every day to get things in order and to help answer any questions. What a project!!! I can't wait to see it finished, WOW. Now on the important news...I just was updated that Danny's lil friend Matt was readmitted to the hospital this afternoon with a full blown staph infection. So if they can't get it under control they are going to have to reopen him back up and remove all the back rods he just had placed until he heals. Please pray for him....this is WAY too much for a lil (almost 3yr old) to go through. To read his updates and journals click HERE . Hang in there Matt we are praying very hard for you!!!
Our walk is on May 30th so ~ Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN.Thanks for stopping by...please comment after the post or sign our guestbook to let us know you stopped in. We love reading your posts too :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rain, Rain, GO Away!!

It's raining, it's pouring the old man is snoring.....LOL. This is the second day in a row of rain, ugh. NO MORE RAIN!! How cold and depressing? It is pouring right now and the farmers field is starting to look like a pond not a field, sigh. I would like to be back in the fun and sun of Florida where it only rains for at most an hour not DAYS. We do have a fire in the fireplace and there's no other way to spend a day like this...with my family, drinking coffee, and sitting by the fire....Ahhhhhhh
So I'm going to post some happy stuff....Our House :) I would like to thank, from bottom of my heart.....Custom Family Homes (Mike, our general contractor) and all the sub contractors involved in helping us finish this home. Mike has gone above and beyond the call of duty to help maintain functionality and the "Country Sheek" in our home (with Mike having a daughter with some disabilities he understands). I am so excited about the house and it's progress now. I know the road hasn't been the smoothest but we are now on the right path of making this house our "Dream Home" not a nightmare. Thanks Mike, you are now apart of our family (not sure if that's a good thing?).
Well here are some updated pics as of Friday. The whole roof is now shingled and the window are in! They are starting the dryvit and siding.Our front entry way... cedar beamed peak...the wood was cleared and cut by Dan at The Newood in Spirit Falls, WI (Dan's home away from home in God's country). Thanks Dan it's Gorgeous!
The brick and stone starting to go on the garageDanny checking the place outAvrianna playing in the rocks/mud in the retaining walls by the walk out in the basement. Why is there always a drive.....MUD = KID
I am so hoping this rain stops as the pool is suppose to start being dug tomorrow and with all the mud this rain is producing, ugh......I'll have to bring extra clothes for Avrianna to change into, heehee.
Danny is doing better. He was just catching up on his sleep, I guess. Yesterday he finally pee'd on his own all by himself, Yay! I gave him/us one more week off of therapies, so I can get myself in check before people start coming over. Friday is our first therapy back in Wisconsin with PT here at the house. Danny has done some pretty amazing things in Florida so I hope we can show him off to Mr Dan (PT) here in Wisconsin.
With that said, I suppose I should get the rest of my trip stuff put away....yeap totally procratinating on this one, heehee.
Our walk is on May 30th so ~ Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN.Thanks for stopping by...please comment after the post or sign our guestbook to let us know you stopped in. We love reading your posts too :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Settled In

Well I should be more settled in then I am, but Oh well. I am going shopping instead of cleaning and putting stuff away. I just wanted to post and let you know that Danny is doing much better. Yesterday he was awake and alert all day but no peeing......then today he has started to pee on his own, not great yet, but better. Today is very COLD and rainy so Dan's first day of racing was cancelled, ugh! So that means he got roped to go shopping with us, heehee. I will post more later. Hope you all are having a good day!
Our walk is on May 30th so ~ Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN.Thanks for stopping by...please comment after the post or sign our guestbook to let us know you stopped in. We love reading your posts too :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Well we got in last night at midnight. The trip wasn't too bad, well as good as 30 hours inside an RV can go, heehee. This morning I got to sleep in some, then the cleaning began, LOL. We were able to clean out the RV, clean it and get it put away. YIPPEE! Then inside I got the laundry done, and most of the things organized. I still have to put some of the clothing away, but we did pretty good in a days time. I even got a chance to go out to the new house and check it out. I did forget the camera, but I will be going back tomorrow for a meeting and I will remember to bring out the camera to up date you all with the progress. It's amazing!!!
I'm getting concerned about Danny though....go figure, nothing goes smoothly. I haven't seen the whites of his eyes since yesterday. He slept through the night, ALL day today, and it looks as if he is going to continue tonight. He didn't pee on his own ALL day either. You would think cathing him would get him to open his eyes at least alil, sigh. His stats are doing well, but I still don't like that he isn't waking up. I will be watching closely and if he isn't more awake tomorrow I will be bringing him in. He just wants to see Dr. Kasper, Danny missed him, LOL. I will keep you up with all of this.
Avrianna settled back in well. She played most of the afternoon with the neighbor girl and tomorrow it's suppose to be in the 80's, YAY, so I'm sure she will be outside most of tomorrow too.
Our walk is on May 30th so ~ Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN.
Thanks for stopping by...please comment after the post or sign our guestbook to let us know you stopped in. We love reading your posts too :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


We are about 5hrs from being back in the comforts of my own home, ahhhh. We left FL yesterday around 4:30 in the afternoon so we are doing well on time. The warm weather is following us back I think, yippee. Our trip has been a good one, really can't complain, but after being in the RV for over 24 hours I'm getting alil pissy, LOL. One minor mishap that could have been major but no worries it's all good :). I will post more when we get home.
Oh yeah, Matt went home today, woohoo! You rock Matt. Sorry we weren't able to connect. It will plan on seeing you this summer :0)
Well off to watch Marley N Me,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sad day in Florida

We are leaving Florida ..... (sad face). So I will keep you up to date with our travels. Snow snow go away The Osero's are on their way :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today we went on a walk around our I thought what a great photo op time. You all know I love taking pictures....maybe I was a photographer in a past life. Seeing I love to take them, now if I could only be as good as a pro. Well here are my babes!Avrianna says I'm suppose to say they are in a JUNGLE....that's what she thinks this looks like.Ok ~ this is one of my personal favs cuz look......what for it......they are BOTH smiling :o). Did I get that, heehee.

I took this one after Danny's bath on his tummy time.....OMG isn't he an angel. Those eyes! I'm no professional photographer but I have to say .... not too bad :)
Mattman was successfully extubated this afternoon.....thank you prayer warriors! Danny and I can't wait till we can meet him personally. Those two boys are and do some much of the same things ~ BOYZ! I am so glad his spine surgery is over with and the recovery has began for Matt.
Our walk is on May 30th so ~ Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN.
Thanks for stopping by...please comment after the post or sign our guestbook to let us know you stopped in. We love reading your posts too :)

For Sale

Spring has sprung!! If looking to buy or you know someone looking to buy click for more info.

Click HERE for info on our 2006 Four Winds RV

Click HERE on our Ranch home 2213 E Shady Ln Neenah WIAny questions please contact me at

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sleepy & Congested ~2nd post

Well Danny is being in TRUE Danny form. This last few days he has been more lethargic then normal and now today is congested, ugh! I have started doing Mr Jiggles more, in hopes to knock the "crap" out, heehee. Leave it to Danny to be "off" right before we have to leave. The only bonus with this is I got to tear the condo apart, clean it, and put it back together again. Plus I have pretty much everything packed to go home, now I just have to get it in the RV. I am hoping we can spend the weekend enjoying the Florida weather, but something tells me Danny's got something up his sleeve.
Yesterday was Danny's last therapy at KIDspirit, so sad. Avrianna bawled the whole way home...she's going to miss that place too. Now doesn't that show how awesome a place and how wonderful the people are there! Love you guys, we will miss you!!
Today Danny was suppose to have his last therapies at the house from the school district, but Danny wouldn't wake up. So the Teacher was pretty much out to just pick up the equipment and I called the Speech therapist to tell her to not come out, it would be a waste of her time. Sorry :( .....we'll see you guys next Fall and I hope Danny cooperates for you guys better.
Dan flies in late Sunday night and I know we are all VERY excited to see him. I'm sure after 2 months of being alone with me the kids are sick of ME. They can't wait to have their daddy around. We plan on starting our travels back to WI on Tuesday so if things go well we should be back by Wednesday/Thursday. It all depends on how many times we stop.
Our walk is on May 30th so ~ Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN
Our friend Matt is out of surgery and doing well...keep praying for an easy extubation so he can be back on his bipap soon.
Thanks for following us!!

Matt Eakins

Please keep our good Caring Bridge friend Mattman is your thoughts and prayers today. He underwent back/spine surgery this morning to correct his scoliosis. Please click on his name to follow his journey and send them kind, comforting, words of wisdom in his guestbook. We're thinking and praying for you very hard Matt!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Head's Up

Today Danny had two hours of therapy...first hour was PT and the second was an assessment from Speech. Did I tell you all how much I LOVE KIDspirit and their staff?! Well they are AWESOME. Danny did well both hours of therapy and even managed to vocalize during Speech...I know that's a change for him. But the therapist's are all beautiful ladies so Danny likes to throw his charm on, LOL! I did manage to get this video of him after his long day and bath tonight. He is so Cute!! Hope you enjoy.
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Tomorrow Danny has his Assitive tech therapist here in the morning to show me some proximetry switches. I hope they will work for Danny! It's so exciting to see Danny ambitions of wanting to activate/play with things and if I can find a switch that will work with him instead of against him I think he will flourish even more.
Today was Avrianna's last day of Gymnastic Camp so tomorrow she will be able to get back into her routine again. She really had a blast playing there all day (6 hours) for the last 7 days. I'm sure we'll have issues with getting back into the swing of schoolwork, but if she wants me to take her to see The Hannah Montana movie she'll have to corporate with me, yeah I'm not beneath a good bribe, LOL.
This is our last week here in Florida and then back to the wonderful Wisconsin weather. So many mixed emotions there, we LOVE it here.....but we miss Daddy so very much. Dan will be flying in on Sunday (the count down has been going for the last month) and Avrianna is so excited that her Dad is going to be here. I also am very excited to see our new house and all the progress since we've been gone. I'm constantly hearing how beautiful it looks and how different it looks every day so needless to say I can't wait to see it ~ Sending out a HUGE Thank You to Custom Family Homes & all the sub contractors involved in helping make our dream home become a reality~ You guys ROCK
Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN
Thanks for following us!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter w/Danny ~ part 2

He's UP, Yahoo!!! He got up at 1 this afternoon. Avrianna excited to "help" Danny open his things. He is in such a good mood, must have been the sleep, heehee. He was talk'n up a storm for awhile.(love this movie, but so needed the whole box of kleenex! Doesn't help Bailey is getting up there in age and health, sigh)Danny's new buddy ... Goofy who talks and sings when you touch his belly (Goofy's not Danny's, LOL)YAY!! Danny is sporting one of his new silly T shirts.....This is My Happy Shirt (Thanks Linda & Collin). He also got a This is My Lucky shirt.She is loving her new swimsuit from Linda & Collin. What a poser? She must get that from her dad, LOL.
We spent a few hours at the pool and now I'm going to make some dinner....I'm sure Avrianna is going to have us watch the movie's again. I think there is going to be a good Extreme Home Makeover tonight, so we'll have to break for that.
Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN .


Happy Easter from The Osero's !!

The Easter basket hiding places.....I believe next year the bunny is going to have to get alil more creative .... 10 minutes and they were ALL found, heeheeI need to see if they make these bigger....she LOVES playing in here, but she's getting to BIG, darn kids they just don't listen. I tell them both to stop growing ALL the time, LOL
Ok ~ this is Easter right? All this is before my neighbors and good friends stopped by with a second hall. Boy the kids are LOVED!! They deserve it ~ but I'm going to need a bigger place to fit all their stuff, LOL. My Easter Lily that my Grandparents & Aunt/Uncle bought me finally bloomed and it smells awesome in the condo. SNIFFFFFFFFF! Danny once again has decided to sleep the Easter Holiday away....he's out! I'm kinda sad about that, but more sad that he can't participate in the day anyway, sigh! Always mixed emotions with the Holiday's. Once he wakes up we will open his's driving Avrianna nuts as he got a movie she really wants to watch. Here he is with all he's "GEAR".
Making her phones calls back to WI wishing everyone a Happy Easter!Now this is the way to spend a Holiday.... He loves the pool...look how good he looks and how BIG he is. He's so damn handsome!!! If he wakes up this is what we plan on doing the rest of the day...and watching movies ~ Avrianna got High School Musical 3 and Danny got Marley and Me
Yes....she spends most of her time under water, she has gills I swear.
Yeap she has to come up to breathe once in a while!Thanks for checking in on us!! Wishing you All A VERY Happy Easter! If lil man wakes up I plan on getting some more pictures...stay tuned!
Please pledge your donations HERE and sponsor us in our walk for the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network fundraising walk. To read more on the FVSSN .

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Big Foot

Please help support the kids and I in The Big Foot fundraising walk for The Fox Valley Sibling Support Network.

No one has a longer bond or a more powerful, positive impact on people with special needs than their brothers and sisters. So it is important that they have the information and the support needed to address concerns and celebrate the joys. The Fox Valley Sibling Support Network provides programs for adults and children who have siblings with special needs or long-term illnesses.

Please click HERE to donate your pledge. Or Register you/your family and join us on May 30 @ Plamann Park Appleton, WI and walk for this wonderful Group.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Fireman

A friend of mine shared this story with me.....I just had to share. Most of you know I truly believe my lil man is my Firefighter. Danny comes for a line of firemen in the family.....and I believe in my heart that he too would have been a life saving fireman....he saved my life :). I am decorating his room like a firehouse, LOL. To All you men and women that brave your life to save the lives of others.. THANK You!!

In Phoenix , Arizona , a 26-year-old mother stared down at her 6 year old son, who was dying of terminal leukemia. Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also had a strong feeling of determination. Like any parent, she wanted her son to grow up and fulfill all his dreams. Now that was no longer possible.. The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her son's dreams to come true.She took her son's hand and asked, "Billy, did you ever think about what you wanted to be once you grew up? Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your life?" Mommy, "I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up." Mom smiled back and said, "Let's see if we can make your wish come true."

Later that day she went to her local fire department in Phoenix , Arizona , where she met Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big as Phoenix . She explained her son's final wish and asked if it might be possible to give her six-year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine. Fireman Bob said, "Look, we can do better than that. If you'll have your son ready at seven o'clock Wednesday morning, we'll make him an honorary fireman for the whole day. He can come down to the fire station, eat with us, go out on all the fire calls, the whole nine yards! And if you'll give us ! his sizes, we'll get a real fire uniform for him, with a real fire hat-not a toy one-with the emblem of the Phoenix Fire Department on it, a yellow slicker like we wear and rubber boots. They're all manufactured right here in Phoenix , so we can get them fast."

Three days later Fireman Bob picked up Billy, dressed him in his fire uniform and escorted him from his hospital bed to the waiting hook and ladder truck. Billy got to sit on the back of the truck and help steer it back to the fire station. He was in heaven. There were three fire calls in Phoenix that day and Billy got to go out on all three calls. He rode in the different fire engines, the paramedic's van, and even the fire chief's car. He was also videotaped for the local news program.Having his dream come true, with all the love and attention that was lavished upon him, so deeply touched Billy that he lived three months longer than any doctor thought possible.

One night all of his vital signs began to drop dramatically and the head nurse, who believed in the hospice concept that no one should die alone, began to call the family members to the hospital. Then she remembered the day Billy had spent as a fireman, so she called the Fire Chief and asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to the hospital to be with Billy as he made his transition. The chief replied, "We can do better than that. We'll be there in five minutes.Will you please do me a favor? When you hear the sirens screaming and see the lights flashing, will you announce over the PA system that there is not a fire? It's just the fire department coming to see one of its finest members one more time.And will you open the window to his room?

About five minutes later a hook and ladder truck arrived at the hospital and extended its ladder up to Billy's third floor open window 16 firefighters climbed up the ladder into Billy's room. With his mother's permission, they hugged him and held him and told him how much they loved him.With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the fire chief and said, "Chief, am I really a fireman now?" "Billy, you are, and the Head Chief, Jesus, is holding your hand," the chief said.With those words, Billy smiled and said, "I know, He's been holding my hand all day, and the angels have been singing..."
He closed his eyes one last time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Silk Dyed Eggs ~ 3rd post of day

This year we tried something turned out soooo COOL! You take anything that is 100% silk tie it around an uncooked egg (as tight and straight as possible), then take cotton (pillow case or cloth towel) and tie it around the silk, put in cold water and then bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes and let sit cooling for another 10 minutes. Give it a cold water bath and get ready to see your surprise. Take off the cotton and silk......this is what you get

One Year Ago! ~ 2nd post of the day

You reach for the stars ~ Girl! Anything is possible and you're proof of that!!
Today marks the one year Anniversary of Avrianna's scare, her Aplastic Anemic Crisis. One of the scariest events for her short life. One year ago today her blood counts were 4.9 and dropping, she spiked a high temp, required 2 blood transfusions, her bone marrow stopped producing new cells, and the words meningitis were coming out of the doctors mouths. I've never been so scared for her life....I thought I was loosing her. I happened all so fast! Within 30minutes of my phone call to Dan he had hoped on an airplane to come down to Florida and be with us. Boy ~ what memories, yikes! She was never back to her old self after that episode. Thankfully she did escape meningitis and any real serious side effects for her crisis. With her getting her spleen and gall bladder removed this last December she is a totally different girl with in a year. I'm so proud of you Avrianna, with all the you've endured in your lil life and your still smiling! You are my HERO!! I love you


Need I say more? Another great T-shirt find at my favorite store, GW.Raising his hand to say HI !!! Look how BIG he is....only 5 and darn near takes up the whole twin bed. Do they make beds that are LONGER, what are we going to do if he doesn't STOP GROWING!! He is 5 & 54lbs, his pants are a boys 8 and t-shirts are boys med-large. What happened to my LIL boy.....OH that is right, he's been BIG from second GO....3 weeks early and was still over 9lbs. He's my LIL MAN, LOLHe is so happy here!! Just makes you Smile....doesn't he? He looks GREATLook Dad ~ I'm a BIG BOY now I can sit up straight! Heehee ~ I Miss YOU ~ Mom is driving me NUTS! Just thought I would share some FUN Danny pictures today :) Hope you like them!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chuck E Cheese

After 3 hours in Chuck E Cheese I'm over stimulated....LOL. These kids would just keep going if you let them. Avrianna and Danny had a very nice play date today there with Regan and Conner. Here are some pictures of them having a blast. I had a wonderful time having adult conversation too :) with Becky
The gaming monsters ~ They ALL were wonderful kids!Avrianna showing off her winnings of tickets after hitting JACKPOT on the first game.....she was on her game today! She loves Chuck E Cheese

Danny's girlfriend......Regan! She is such a sweet thing, sitting on Danny's lap. "HI Regan ~ Danny and Avrianna had a great time playing with you....they can't wait to play with you again."Notice who's holding Danny's hand.....hmmmmm she's putting the moves on, she's a smooth mover, heehee. It helps she's so darn cute!Avrianna is having a blast at gymnastic camp this week. She's there for 6 hours a day and really doesn't want to leave when I pick her up. I'm glad she's enjoying her time there and making some new friends. So then Danny is stuck with just me, LOL. I gave him a hair cut today and a shower ~ boy does he look HANDSOME. With all the excitement of getting up early, dropping Avrianna off at camp, the hair cut & shower he took a 3 hour nap this afternoon, WOW. I didn't know what to do with myself, (I should have took a nap too, heehee). I found myself watching a show on the Disney Channel and thought what's wrong with me Avrianna isn't here I don't have to watch this ........then turned on HGTV (thanks Nanny for getting me hooked on that).

Monday, April 6, 2009

All I Want for Easter is My Two Front Teeth

Avrianna FINALLY pulled out the other front tooth....which has been loose for weeks now. She was freaking out tonight after dinner cuz it started bleeding. I knew it was a matter of time. After she played with it for an hour her mouth was sore and she was a bawling mess. She went to bed with tears in her eyes....."Mom will you get it, so I don't look like a dork at camp tomorrow". OMG ~ how pitiful is that, what drama :( . Well on good tug and it's out, a Popsicle and she's all smiles once again...minus another tooth.