Friday, February 13, 2009

Father Daughter Dance

I have just a few moments to show them off...then I'm off to finish packing the RV as we've decided to leave tonight when Dan and Avrianna come back from the dance. So we should be on the road about 10pm and we should be in Florida about Sunday night.
Here's Avrianna .... isn't she beautiful!!
He Cleans up NICE!What a poser! She can work a camera, heeheeOk ~ MOM that's enough pictures!
Here is the flowers Dan bought for her....he did GOOD!
Getting ready to go!
We're leaving STOP with the pictures already!They are going to a friends house first and then they got a limo so about 5 dads and their daughters will be riding to the dance in style. I hope someone takes pictures and forwards some to me (hint hint) as I'm not able to be there for the BIG send off. Then they are going to eat first and then dance till about 9. WOW ~ they both should be tired when they get back, LOL.
I will post again when we get to the sunny state. Take care

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