Sorry the late post. Boy does time get away from me! Well I tore the house apart and put it back together. It is ALL clean! The kids are all packed and ready to be in the sunny state once again. It was SNOWING outside today, yeap you heard me snowing! YUCK, we are leaving just in time. I don't like snow and cold, at all! Today I busted my butt and got pretty much everything done. I just have a few odds and ends to get together tomorrow. Danny slept today till 3 in the afternoon and went to bed with no problems at about 10:45, I am keeping my fingers crossed that he isn't brewing anything and that is was just a growth spurt (like he needs any more of those, LOL). In the morning Danny and I are heading up to Green Bay to get his pump filled with new meds and then back home to pack up in the RV then we're off. I will post once we get there and get settled in. We are planning on taking the kids trick r treating so we need to be there by Friday. Plus all of Danny's supplies, food, ect. are being shipped from WI on Wednesday so I need to beat them there as I don't want the stuff sitting outside. I hope to meet one of the Caring Bridge mom's along the way down this time in Kentucky I am excited to meet her as I know she has had a rough go of things as she lost her son this summer. I can't wait to meet her in person and let her know how much she and her son's story had inspired me and touched my heart.
Here my lil man in his new wheels. This is a Solara by Invacare. He loves blue so we had it blue this time. The additional head piece you see that wraps around the base of his head over his shoulders is called the "Hawk" head rest. I am only going to be using this one primarly when he is in therapy and they are trying to get him to use better head control. For the most part his LOVES it and so do I. Dan had to make some adjustments so that we could transport him in the van with the EZ lock system and now all is well. Avrianna keeps saying he is "handsome in his new chair". What an awesome big sister she is!!
Here's my lil birthday girl at her party. I decorated the cake for her...she loved it! The party was a fun time there ended up being 12 kids over for the "kids" party and I had them make spider bracelets out of pipe cleaners and then we had them put there hands in bags and they had to figure out what was in there ie: peeled grapes were eye balls, wet cold carrots were fingers, cooked spaghetti noodles in oil were guts, and mushed up finger jello was brains. After the games she opened her presents they all had cake and ice cream and then went downstairs to burn off some energy. It was a great time. After the kiddos left we had a second swing of party goers....a family party which we ended up having about 25 people, WOW! Dan and I made smoked turkey and roasted a ham with ALL the fixings. Just like a Thanksgiving dinner! (I said because I will be gone for turkey day that it was my thanksgiving then, LOL.)It was alot of work but it turned out to be wonderful. She's getting so big so fast, sigh!
Isn't she the best witch....we'll I'm pretty partial though.
How Do I Let Go of My Adult EA/TEF Child?
5 days ago