Sunday, November 29, 2009

Must be Sunday

Seems like every Sunday Danny likes to throw a few curve balls at us. Poor Aleana :( ...well at least she won't' get bored with us. Danny has been up since 2:30am and is breathing crappy. When will this pnuemonia stop!
Yesterday and today have been spa days around here. I gave everyone a hair cut including a cut n color to myself, heehee. Then when Avrianna was over at friends house I gave myself a pedi n manicure. AHhhhhhhhh! Looking and feeling good. Then we watched some movie's yesterday so it was pretty low key. Today we are going to attempt to make Kringla and Lesfe. YUM!
Thanksgiving was a blast here at The Osero household. We had 26 people here for dinner. I LOVED it, except that Danny was so off he couldn't come out of his room :( That made me very sad, but I spent alot of time in there with him. We had GREAT company and the food was amazing!
Our sleep over company :) Can't wait to have you guys over again!
Avrianna working very hard in her Fruit GobblerAll done! Well I just got off the phone with Dr K and we are going to start another antibiotic today as he just isn't improving and his cultures from Friday still weren't impressive. UGH! Bring on the diarrhea!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tis the Season!

My lil Man aka the great hunter caught himself pneumonia, AGAIN! Poor thing breathes as if he just got done running a race in the water. His trache acts like a coffee pot perculater or a sling shot (depending if hocks a loogey at you, lol). So we started up breathing treatments, increased Mr Jiggles, and he's on an antibiotic (plus he got two shots of rocephin in ER). He wasn't tolerating his bolus feeds yesterday afternoon so I put him on a continuous feed for awhile as I'm sure his gut is going to feel the rath of this illness also. I know the antibiotics are already working there magic, YUCK! I am just AMAZED at how fast this respiratory bug flew in and the strength of it. It can leave any time now, heehee
Dan has been deer hunting up north since last Tuesday so I get to tackle the kids solo. He was able to shoot a spike last Thursday with his bow, but since then the deer have been hiding, heehee. I guess no one (I believe there are 18 at the shack) were able to shoot a deer this year so far. How very disappointing! Where are the DEER!
While I was decorating our new tree upstairs, Avrianna decorated our old tree downstairs. I think she did a FANTASTIC job.
Here's our new tree....12' tall. Guess I wasn't thinking about how many times I was going to need to go UP and DOWN a ladder with a tree this size. But I think it looks wonderful. That will teach Dan to leave us alone for a week, heehee. I think he is going to really like it!
My lil bath Elf's!
We are having Thanksgiving here at the house this year and we are anticipating around 25 people (4 of them that are going to stay over nite). I actually can't wait....the more the merrier. I LOVE to entertain! Just wish Danny would corporate alil more, heehee. It should get alil easier once Dan gets home tomorrow. But if you know me, I'm always on my game when there is alil chaos going on :)
Hope everyone has a filling and thankful Thanksgiving this year. Be safe!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Catching UP

Well the remodel project is slowly wrapping up, thank GOD! Just when I think it's safe to start cleaning something else needs to be redone. For the most part I have the house picked up but I am having someone come in on Tuesday to get all the dust out of the house. I'm sick of doing it! Today the tile guy came out to replace two tiles, one that had a chip and the other was flawed. I think after today I can say that my floor is complete :). The walls are up but they need another coat of paint. Then the trim and the doors can go back up.
I ended up having to take Danny into the ER last Sunday as he was still having his pain/seizure episodes. After xrays, labs, cathing, an IV placed and 4.5 hours later they couldn't find anything "abnormal" so we went home. The next morning I went to get him cleaned up for the day and there was blood in his ear. Um ~ I guess no one looked into his ears when he was in the ER or they would have found a nasty ear infection. Could this be the drive to his seizures, ya, but time will tell. We've been flushing his ears and doing drops which seem to have helped as the drainage has slowed down alot. We did increase his seizure meds some to take the edge off, but he still has about one episode a day, which just breaks my heart to see.
Avrianna had her conferences this week. She is doing GREAT! I'm so glad she transitioned really well into school and that she was able to stay in the second grade. I knew she would do amazing! She continues to stay busy doing swim on Mon, Tues, Thurs and some Fri's and then Wed she still has piano. I try to give her a day off and we usually don't go to swim on Friday's.
Dan is very busy getting ready for the hunting season. So I'll be a single mom for the next few days. I hope to get some more of my Christmas shopping done :) and even some wrapping. I'm so behind!

Friday, November 6, 2009


This morning the tile guy came to start the tile in the front entry. The sub floor had too much deflection in it when he came out yesterday. He was afraid the grout lines would crack if we had him put the tile on the sub floor with the way it was. So Dan and Mike worked at anchoring it better, in the afternoon so it was ready for when Scott came this morning. I couldn't take the dust anymore so I started cleaning last night I washed the wood floor, vacuumed, and dust in the living area....... For it to be a complete washout, as when the sub floor was getting prepared they needed to clean it off, obviously, so he swept without having plastic up.....needless to say I have to do it ALL again. In addition to the rest of the house, boy does this fine dust travel ~ EVERYWHERE! I sat and cried as there is only so much a person can take. I want to rip my eyes out as they itch so bad, my mouth is dry and I have a taste of dust all the time. YUM :( I can only hope that all this doesn't effect Danny's respiratory system. I was definitely overwhelmed this afternoon as I took a look at my white powdered home, cried alil, and now I'm in GO MODE to get rid of the problem! Dan took Avrianna up North with him as she and I need a much needed break from each other, just 7 year old DRAMA, so I decided to take out all my frustrations and free time to clean this weekend. YA ME............NOT :( But it's a necessary evil that must be done, as I must be allergic to it and I'm afraid if Danny breathes this in too much longer we are going to have BIGGER problems then my house being dirty. I tried calling around for a maid to come over, but over course none of them could come over today, so......... I locked Danny and myself in his room, started at the ceiling, and worked my way down. One room done and many more to go! I'm starting with the bedrooms and then I'm going to leave ALL the doors closed so this MAJOR dust problem hopefully doesn't get so OUT OF CONTROL. Just call me MERRY MAID!
This was posted on Facebook and the story is so touching. Please help Noah have the best Christmas EVER : (friend of a friend) has a 5 yr old son Noah. He is in the last stages of a 2 1/2 yr battle with Neuroblastoma Cancer. The family is celebrating Christmas next week and Noahs request is to get lots of Christmas cards. Lets get him some, please send cards to: Noah Biorkman 1141 Fountian Viewcircle South Lyon,Mi 48178 Lets see how many cards we can get to this little guy. To read more click HERE
We are flying our flag at half mast. So very sad about the Fort Hood shooting. My thoughts n prayers go out the the wounded and the family of our fallen heros. My step brother and his wife are stationed there but were not injured, phew! I truely believe that we NEED to stop being so concerned about fixing other countries when we have ALOT to fix right here in our own.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The walls are back up! Woohoo we are finally in an upward spin with the house, BUT I do have to say today it one of my most frustrating days. This morning bright an early the guys were here to cut out the old drywall that is a direct assess into the attic so it can be put right back up. So can you SAY VERY VERY VERY dusty. As the day went on and the dust settled I can go through and spell my name on the tables, UGH! So the OCD kicked in and I couldn't take it any more and I started to vacuum and wash some of the flooring. I know tomorrow it will get trashed once again, but it's killing me. I so can wait till this is ALL over with. I can't believe how much damage water can do in such a short time. Tomorrow the tile will be going in the front entry and then next week they are coming to paint and put the hardwood floor back in. Then to have the house and all in it get a DEEP clean. This is too much for me to tackle in the time frame I want it done so I started interviewing cleaning ladies to help me. I just want my house put back in order!
Avrianna is doing so well in swim and piano. She just amazes me in how well she picks up on things and rolls with them. Not sure where she gets that from? On Sunday for her swim meet she got a seventh place ribbon for the 50 freestyle, the relay she was in got DQ's and she flipped over too soon on her 25 backstroke so that race was also DQ'd. Oh well, for her first ever meet to get 4 ribbons out of 6 races placing 3rd,7th,9th and 10th I think she did AWESOME. She is still doing GREAT in school too :)
Danny is doing well. His health has been stable. Phew! Danny's biggest issue is pain lately. I'm not totally sure from where but I have a very strong hunch it's from his hip. At times he doesn't like being in his wheelchair, not even for a couple minutes. When I put him in a sitting position and go to lay him down he FREAKS out and starts to cry, hyperventilate, turn red, and has this awful look of fear in his eyes. It's so heart wrenching to see your child in pain and there's nothing I can do about it.
I have Danny's BIG BIRTHDAY BASH this year in the works. I'm so excited about it! With him not having a party last year because of his hip surgery (yeah what a joke, right?) and with ALL the life threatening turn of events this summer I think he (we) need a real good party in Danny's favor. I know it's early to be talking about his birthday but you all know me by now......yeap OCD is kicking in HIGH gear.
Yesterday I officially started Christmas shopping.....UGH! I'm so behind. I'm usually finished shopping and I have most of the wrapping already done by now. Never fear I'm always good under pressure, heehee.