Av had her first competition of the club season on the 15th. She did great placing 1st in both the 1M and 3M boards. She was very close to beating her personal best scores so this club season is off to a great start. Her next meet will be at the Northwestern College in Skokie, IL (near Chicago) in March. Then it's off to Iowa for Regionals in April, Zones will be here in WI, and Nationals will be held in Ohio the first 2 weeks in August. Right after Nationals is completed it's back at it full force for the High School as the team starts practicing the second week in August. This summer will be a somewhat different for Av as right now she isn't registered or interested in going to any camps. Usually she has 2 if not 3 that she goes to....she might change her mind, but despite her not having any camps in the books her summer schedule is pretty full as it is.
First semester of Freshman year is completed and Av did amazing! She managed to get straight A's even with her crazy schedule, no study hall (tutorial), and with all advanced classes. Now let's see what 2nd semester brings her way. She has a culinary class this semester so I'm hopeful she'll get some great ideas to bring home and cook for us.
I have to say Danny has been doing pretty well the last few weeks. Knock on wood! There has been a few hiccups here in there but nothing that hasn't been easily "fixed". He continues to be more alert and we've seen more n more smiles. Danny had such a rough 2016 it's nice to see 2017 starting off relatively low key for him. He definitely deserves a nice long break from all the illness crap! We did decrease another seizure med that didn't sit well with him this time around so I'm hoping that since we brought the dose back up his "episodes" will calm back down. Next month Danny will be seeing his new Urologist along with getting another renal ultrasound to continue to watch the kidney stone and urinary retention. I hope this year he can forgo any UTI's as last year he had 3 of them to fight off. Noext Month Danny will also be getting his baclofen pump refilled and have his 6 month follow up visit with his Neurologist in Green Bay . On the 17th we will go in for a surgery consult on having Danny's G-tube site revised. It's the same site that was placed when Danny was 3 months old. It's a beautiful site, BUT with how long his torso has grown the track is now at a diagonal and the G-tube is not sitting/sealing properly. From what I gather having the same site for 13yrs is a wonderful feat as most have had it revised sooner then that. I was just hoping he wouldn't have to ever have it redone seeing his back has now stopped growing do his rods/fusion. We'll see what the surgeon has to say. If surgery is in his future I will definitely be sweet talking some of the other specialist to see if we can piggy back some optional procedures ie ~ revise ear drum perf, clean out ears, dental cleaning, and bronc (scope to see how the granuloma is doing in this trachea). That will not be an easy task to get so many different things done in one shot, so wish me luck. I'll have to buy them all chocolates and Starbucks to butter them up ~ LOL
Unfortunately this handsome Packer fan didn't bring the Pack any good luck mojo on Sunday. It was a good season for the Packer's but they must have forgotten they were playing in championship game as their heads were not in the game. Next year!
Hot tubing it when it's cold, snowing, and icy outside
You so Funny!!!
Danny took a stroll up and down the driveway to get some fresh air on one of our balmy 35 degree days. Spring break can't come soon enough can it buddy?!?
The last couple days Dan has been running like a crazy man ~ With a heavy heart he had to go to his cousins funeral on Monday. Never easy but when they are 38 yrs young it makes it even more difficult....Gone way too soon. Tuesday afternoon there was a barn fire that kept him and the fellow fire fighting team busy for 6hrs into the late evening, then to have a first responder call on his way home from the fire for a "regular" which ended in the gentleman's passing (so sad), 2 hrs later around 2am he was called back out to barn fire that rekindled, home and cleaned up for a Meeting with the City of Neenah yesterday morning, to come home and plow out the house and businesses from the snow storm, then finally relaxing on the couch last nite to be called out on a semi on fire on the hwy. Needless to say he slept well last nite!
Never good to see Black smoke like that
Dan and I went to the Grand Opera house in Oshkosh was some friends to see the comedian Bill Engvall. I never knew that place was there....what a quaint historical theater house. The show was great! I haven't cried due to laughing that hard in a very long time. When we left my ribs and cheeks hurt from all the laughing. Last weekend Dan and I took Av to see the Broadway show "The Bodyguard" in Appleton at the PAC. WOW ~ can those ladies sing, another great show!!
The Grand Opera
I had my head, neck, and back MRI done to check how MS is doing. I'm happy to report at this time my MS is stable!! Kickin arse!! Amazing how changing your diet and getting off almost all the pharmaceuticals have made me better. Natural is the way!! I found what works for me and I have to say I was so skeptic as all the stuff the physicians were trying were only making me worse so how was going the natural route going to work....Well for me it DOES WORK! MS is not gone/cured ~ I just have MS under control (for the moment). I still have lesions in my brain and spine but I do not have any new lesions and most of the ones I have are not active right now. I can only hope that the medical teams and the government see how wonderful things can be with good nutrition (as many do not feel it can make a difference AND many do not see how the "food" that is being sold in stores are toxic to ones system). It just amazes me how so many are first to grab that Magic pill to mask the symptoms of the problem vs rolling up your sleeves and trying to fix the problem. Your health is all you have so try and make yourself healthier!! You owe it to yourself and your family to be the best you can be in hopes to be on this earth alil longer. It's FOOD ~ the reactions I get from people about what I eat and stay away from is ...... ALARMING as I hear time and time again "I could never do that" or "I couldn't live without eat/drinking that"! Now I am not one that doesn't treat myself here n there....but it should stay that way a treat. Stay away from soda, processed food, foods high sugar. The addiction to processed and refined sugar foods is out of control...no wonder why more cancer, auto immune diseases and just over decline in health is at an all time high (yes they are linked). There will be no change if you can't find the change in you. Start small BUT aim HIGH! You are worth it!!
My new obsession is Lularoe leggings and shirts......they are so comfy, soft, and the patterns are so fun. This Saturday I'm having an online party so if you're interested in ordering from the comforts of you our home please stop by my FB page Saturday for the shopping link, the hours will be from 10-10.
Thanks for stopping by to check on us. I hope this finds you well.