September is big month of celebrating ~
Sept 8th we celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary!! Boy have we come along way ~ In good times and in bad, In sickness and in health ~ we've stuck it out and become stronger. Here's to many more years and memories
Mr. Sully's Birthday was on the 8th ~ Another "Gotcha Day" Birthday we made up :) What a sweetie!!
In true Dan fashion he picks one of the hottest days (90+) for us to stack firewood ~ UGH
Seeing Danny has been doing better, more alert and aware we went on a field trip to Ms Emma's house to see her new pup
Danny & Ms Chloe ~ what a beautiful St Bernard, that eats small children and dogs (lol). She has a mean bark but seriously what a sweetie
Mr Loki can fit in Danny's lap....for now. The newest addition ~ who is a border collie
Emma with her babes
Ms Emma is not only our nurse BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY she has become our family. LOVE the that these 2 have such an amazing bond. "Sisters" forever!!
Chloe the 120lbs lap dog ~ and you can't forget Mr Rumble the black lab/great dane who is always looking to be the center of attention.
There has been some amazing storms that have past through the last few days.......
Very cool shelf cloud
Pitch black out and managed to catch the sky while it was lightening out
Dive season is a BLAST ~ but seriously a game changer in being BUSY!! Monday's n Thursday's they have morning practice before school at 5:45am, every day is practice after school for 2 hours if there is no meet, then they have a team party once a week. She's committed and LOVING IT!!
Tuesday's Appleton meet Av placed 1st and Friday's Appleton relay meet the Neenah dive girls took 1st !! Tuesday the 13th the dive meet is our first home meet in Neenah, come on over and check them out
SO proud of her! Dream Big
Yeap she's mine ~ LOL
Fall weather means....bring on the football games!!
I was hoping to get the kids to a game this year, but unfortunately the tickets I had lined up didn't pan out. I'm still working on it, I will get them there!
Go Badgers
Bring on the PUMPKIN flavors, the cooler temps, and the changing colors!!
With the cooler temps coming we are getting ready for many fires in the fireplace ~ YAY!!In true Dan fashion he picks one of the hottest days (90+) for us to stack firewood ~ UGH
2016 Garden is ON! I can't believe the amount of veggies we've already harvested out of there. The tomatoes are keeping us busy now ~ canning batches of pasta sauce and tomato juice is going on once or twice a week ~ next is salsa. My cupboards are filling FAST!!
Seeing Danny has been doing better, more alert and aware we went on a field trip to Ms Emma's house to see her new pup
Danny & Ms Chloe ~ what a beautiful St Bernard, that eats small children and dogs (lol). She has a mean bark but seriously what a sweetie
Mr Loki can fit in Danny's lap....for now. The newest addition ~ who is a border collie
Emma with her babes
Ms Emma is not only our nurse BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY she has become our family. LOVE the that these 2 have such an amazing bond. "Sisters" forever!!
Chloe the 120lbs lap dog ~ and you can't forget Mr Rumble the black lab/great dane who is always looking to be the center of attention.
Very cool shelf cloud
Pitch black out and managed to catch the sky while it was lightening out
Dive season is a BLAST ~ but seriously a game changer in being BUSY!! Monday's n Thursday's they have morning practice before school at 5:45am, every day is practice after school for 2 hours if there is no meet, then they have a team party once a week. She's committed and LOVING IT!!
Tuesday's Appleton meet Av placed 1st and Friday's Appleton relay meet the Neenah dive girls took 1st !! Tuesday the 13th the dive meet is our first home meet in Neenah, come on over and check them out
SO proud of her! Dream Big
IN Appleton
Wait for it ~ She's a gem, isn't she ~ LOL
5:45am practice and they are smiling :)
Team building last nite ~ the girls came over after the meet to bedazzle the hot water tub and hang out
Fall weather means....bring on the football games!!
I was hoping to get the kids to a game this year, but unfortunately the tickets I had lined up didn't pan out. I'm still working on it, I will get them there!
Go Badgers
The smiles are back !! Danny has been awake more then not, more engaging, and aware of what's gone on.
I couldn't have even imagined the amazing results I'm seeing in such a short amount of time since starting the CBC oil and GABA with Danny's neuro's, dysautonomia, alertness, sleeping patterns, and quick recovery if intervention is needed. If this is a dream DO NOT PINCH me .... it's almost too good to be true. I'm trying to be cautiously optimist, but so far everything is SO POSITIVE and I'm just giddy!! The last 2 days we've seen NO EPISODES ~ NONE!! Unheard of seeing we are decreasing a med that is suppose to be helping control the episodes and with the crazy weather (yes that sets him off too) so I would assume we would be seeing even more. Even a small decrease will usually give Danny about 5 days of complete hell with withdrawal symptoms but since the CBC oil if he does have any reaction to the decrease it is short lived and it can be controlled with an extra dose of CBC, WOW!! It's been over a year since Danny has slept through the nite and since being on the GABA the last 5 nites he's slept ALL NITE LONG!! LIFE IS GOOD!!
I just can't believe it how awesome it is but I also Can't believe that there is such a negative outlook with medical marijuana not only in todays society but still in today's medical profession. I can from my own experience and with Danny's tell you there IS medical benefits. The more research I do the more I'm finding out what amazing things cannabis can do ~ I'm starting to wonder what it can't help. I can't wait for the whole plant to be legal here in WI. I don't wish chronic illness, chronic pain, or seizures on anyone, but if these politicians had some personal experience with them, the helpless feelings or road blocks that comes with them they might not make it so frickin hard for families to be able to try Cannabis. It's such a hush hush subject, but I'm here to tell you it should NOT be ... I will shout it off the roof tops and advocate for the families that can't find their voice do to fear or being misinformed. Families should not have to be separated from each other or move to another state just to find and use the help they so deserve.
Danny we're gonna change the world ~ You and ME!! Pushing the limits, to the moon and back