It took Avrianna alil over an hour to find everything. Frustration was starting to set in when she realized finding them was going to be harder then she thought. LOL ~ EB did a good job hiding them this year.
Thankfully Danny was a good boy.....Easter is his holiday to be ill, just about every Easter of his life he's been sick and/or in the hospital. The day before Easter was alil rough for him, of course cuz I was his nurse for the day, but by that afternoon things seem to have calmed down. I wonder if he caught a bug that had been going around, seeing his nurse on Saturday AND the one on Sunday were sick.For dinner we went over to My Aunt Bonnie's. Seeing Danny made his presence at this family get together I had to grab a few pics, LOL ~ you all know me :)
Danny with his Grt Grandma Bev (nanny's mom) and Nanny aka my mom
The Fam!!
Nanny with her Grandbabies and Great Grandbabe, Ethan
Danny with Grt Granpa Jim
Ok ~ now isn't he the CUTEST bunny EVER!! Man I LOVE that smile :)
Really mom? LOL
The weather is definitely looking alot more like Spring around here. This week it's suppose to rain like crazy, but at least it's not snow. Our retention ponds are plum FULL already so I'm not sure where all this rain is going to go.
Woody the woodpecker is being a thorn in my backside you can see he'd rather pound on my cedar beams then the thousands of trees that surround our house. I counted 12 holes already ~ Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Looks like I'm going to have to get creative as the darn things are protected.
Seeing the warmer weather has been around ..... looky what has come out of storage. Can't wait till I can cruise with the top down, but just seeing it out bring me much joy :)
The pool guys are coming to "open" the pool this week. It will be too cold to swim for awhile, but it will be ready for when we are ready to go swimming. I hope this year will be a better pool year then we had last year. Maybe I'll learn something new and be able to stay head of the green, lol. The first 2 years were awesome, I hardly had to do anything to the pool but the last 2 years were the complete opposite and it gave me a run for my money. Here's to a wonderful pool year!!
A couple of weeks ago Avrianna, myself, and Ms Gail went to see Theresa Caputo's show "The Experience" when she was in Green Bay. It was a great show, for those of you that don't know her, she is "The Long Island Medium"...she talks to the dead. Even though we didn't get read personally I had related to a couple of the readings she did and she really makes you think. We just love watching her show on tv so being able to see her personality and watch her do readings live, it was wonderful.
It was a FULL house by the time the show started, she really has a following. Love the chandelier hanging.....and her shoes, they were the most sparkly shoes I've ever seen. True Theresa style!!
Our view of the stage. I hope she comes to the area I know I'll be there :)Check out whose the rock star that got out of the NICU already! Mr Ethan is nothing short of amazing, as the Dr's thought he'd be there till his Due date which isn't till May 12. What a lil peanut he is......weighing in about 5lbs now.
Love getting my baby fixes!!!
Danny is a great pillow....look Ethan doesn't even fill up Danny's lap :)
Avrianna is in all her glory! She can't wait to start babysitting
Danny had been blessed with ANOTHER UTI ~ This is getting really old!! He never used to get them and now it seems as if he has one at least once a month. Even with cathing him through the day and putting a foley in overnite. Poor bug, he just needs to catch a break.
Adding insult to injury, Danny has now developed an allergy to the "cillin" family of antibiotics. Sigh This is what happened! Benadryl on board please!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully it didn't last long and the "rash" was the only thing we had to deal with, but now things are going to be alil more complicated to treat any infections seeing he can only use the BIG DOG antibiotics which those seem to just screw with his gut :(
Sadly last Friday was Ms Krista's last day with us. She is moving back up north. We will miss her dearly. The end of the summer her baby boy is due so we made her promise to come down and visit with him this fall :) So it's see you later, never Good Bye!!
We are now looking to fill her hours for Friday's. What's with Friday RN's? They seem to leave us. So until it's filled, Danny is stuck with ME.
Dan had to show Danny how to use the power drill this weekend :)
I'm ready........Where do you need a hole?
We put up Danny's artwork and made it as a border around his room. I'm telling ya, he's got the "eye" for art. It looks wonderful in his room. A big thanks to Ms Aleana for helping with making Danny's print art. They are all done from his hand or foot prints.
I took Av down to the Schroeder Pool again, in Brown Deer, so she can practice on the platforms more. She is really looking good and can't wait for the diving Meet that's coming up May 9-10. I'm so proud of her!! I'm in just awe to watch her, she's doing AMAZING!!
A couple of weeks ago Av and I went down to Chicago for a dive meet. We had a blast!! Even though hanging out in Chicago gives me the hives, lol. It's just a BIG city with way too much hustle n bustle for this "country girl". Maybe if I was there more I'd get a better handle on where and what to do, but I really don't see being down there often. I'll muster through it once a year.
We took Hazel and Ms Tami along with us. Here they are with our one of kind wall art, lol
We were at the University of Illinois by 8 am both Saturday n Sunday and hung out there till about 3:30 both days. I was glad to get off the bleachers, that's for sure ~lol
Avrianna placed 2nd out of 14 girls on the 1M board ~Way to GO!!
On Saturday after the meet we went over to The Shedd Aquarium. Unfortunately we didn't have alot of time there, but we managed to fly through it and see most of it. I was able to sweet talked a worker into getting us into a later show in the 4D theater as we missed our show time, but we didn't get into see the live animal show that we missed. We still had a great time!
Av and Hazel "Piking it" throughout the aquarium
Well they don't call it the "Windy City" for nothing.
We stopped at Giordano's to dinner afterwards ~
Meeting up with the rest of the crew. Nick (Coachie's son that lives in the Chicago area) past diver, Tami (West Bend diving coach) past diver, Hazel, Av, and Coachie. We had a great time!! What a great group of people to hang out with. New found friendships :) That's what a I LOVE about this matter if you're a beginner, Senior, or past diver everyone is so welcoming and helpful. Some sports can be SO CLICKY, but this team is THE BEST!
Back at it on Sunday!
Avrianna placed 2nd again ~ out of 8 girls on the 3M ~ You GO GIRL!!
Av n Coachie!!
Not only was there a dive meet at the Nat, but also a reptile exhibit. We didn't go into to see it, but they had these HUGE inflatables at the entrance.
Stopping at Panera on the way home :)
I have to say I totally get it now, when I used to hear how people talked about feeling the changing weather in their body. I'm finding that my body seems to have a harder time when the weather is changing it up. Blah! Today my legs are very weak, looks like I need to relax today....bummer :)
Thanks for stopping by to check up on us. I hope all is well with you!