These numbers are still an occurrence around here ~ sigh
So the decision to cancel Danny's surgery that was to happen today has been made. He just isn't holding his own yet. I do believe he is getting better, BUT he's no where he needs to be to undergo a surgical procedure. I would just be asking for trouble if we went ahead with it today. The surgeons have been wonderful to work with and both of them agree that our primary goal is to get him better FIRST. We have already worked out a new date for surgery, May 29th. So I have a month to whip him into shape :) I'm alil apprehensive with this date as we are due to leave for our week long vacation to DC on June 8th. Cross your fingers that this surgery is in and out with no hitches so we can leave for our family vacation as planned.
Even though Danny wasn't feeling the greatest he still was able to participate in some activities. Just look at those facial expressions.....I can help but laugh :) Ms Bowers came out with some dirt and flowers for Danny to plant. This wasn't Danny's idea of a good project. He hates his hands being dirty!!
Seriously.......this is disgusting!!
Sunday The Evan's family laid to rest their 8 yr old Lil Princess, Emily. The family asked everyone to show their love n support by wearing PINK and/or Hello Kitty. Even though we couldn't be THERE, we were in spirit, all of us! You will be forever in our hearts Ms Emily. Fly high!!
We found Hello Kitty slippers at the store on Yeap HAD to get them :) Love you Emily!!
Yesterday I went to Wicked Ink in Neenah and got this AWESOME Tattoo. I LOVE IT!! Every time I look at it I smile :) Thanks for the wonderful work Jake!!
The Red is for Dan and Avrianna's Blood disorder, Orange for my MS, and the Green is for Danny's birth brain injury CP
Everyone needs alil HOPE!!This weekend we implemented a chore list for Ms Avrianna. She was very excited to go shopping for the supplies, decorate, and participate in the ideas to make this happen. We are ALL very optimistic with this as we have already seen wonderful results in the first few days. I hope the trend continues! I got many ideas off of Pinterest (yes I'm totally addicted) and after reading this ARTICLE in the paper this weekend, I felt we NEEDED to start.
To the left she has a bunch of chores to choose from, once completed it goes to the right. She needs to have a minimum done by the end of the week to get an allowance (in addition to her daily "jobs" that she needs to do). The Ransom box is for anything laying around, it goes in the box and she has to pay $ or perform a different task to get it back.
CONGRATS to Aleana and her family with the addition to Ms Haylin ~ She is a DOLL!! We will miss her while she's on Maternity leave playing with her babes :)