I guess NO news is Good news......But wow it's been a hot minute since I've updated the blog. I think this is the longest I've even gone without a post. Grab a snack and a beverage ~ Here we go!
HOME is on both sides of the River ~
Av moved into an apartment in Dinkytown, MN back in May. She decided it was the best thing to be there and continue her dive training during the summer to get herself back into shape and dust off the rust from not diving during her shoulder rehab before the season started in August. While there over the summer she took advantage of the opportunity and took a class to lighten up her school load during season and she also started to coach dive to the dive club there.
Her place is a one bedroom on the 5th floor and she's great a view ~ My 'lil girl in Big city living and she loves it. The biggest frustration is keeping the thieves from stealing her bike.... she's on her 3rd bike since August. The last one was stolen from inside the locked apartment complex, in a locked bike room, locked to a bike rack.... seriously!!!!!
It was a nice weekend to move her into her place and it was even nicer that my mom drove along with me to help her move in. Once we got there, we had a TON of work to do as the previous tenants left the place FULL of stuff and a dusty MESS. I'm just wow'd that someone actually lived in there in that filth. Av took over an existing lease for the summer so the complex doesn't go in to clean, yay us!
Here in Wisconsin ..... "Fun' exciting plans are in play. After much discussion and A LOT of land searching, we have decided to stay in our current home and do some remodeling. After 12 years, many dogs, wheelchairs, kids playing and normal wear in tear we needed to do some upgrading. We looked VERY hard to relocate BUT we just couldn't duplicate the amazing location that we live at already and don't even get me started with the gross inflation of building supplies right now. It would have cost as must if not more than this place, to build brand new half of what we already have. We are going to remodel more than anticipated as I want this to be a one n done remodel so we looked more into the future to figure out what our needs will be down the road. Once we decided on staying here it was also a challenge to find a contractor that would want to work with us and then one that wouldn't want to break the bank, which was not an easy feat. Thankfully we were able to get the "ol gang" back with Dan and I being the "general" and getting most of the contractors that worked on the house originally to come back to work with us. I so can't wait to show you the before n after pictures once it's completed. We have the ideas n plans done and the products on order but that too has been a challenge getting everything we need in a timely matter. I had hoped that this remodel would have been done or at least started in the summer/fall but here we are with winter knocking on our door and nothing has been done inside as of yet. That throws our schedule off some as it's hard to be living in the house with Danny's medical status during a large remodel of noise and dust. The first phase of demo is going to get started while we are going on Christmas vacation. We are redoing the kitchen, front entryway, Danny's room, Master bath n bedroom, and we are taking out the hot tub out (it broke and leaked into the basement) and making that room into a nurse's breakroom. I have decided to push out the hardwood floor resurfacing and replacing the carpet (all the carpet is going) to hardwood until this spring/summer due the fumes of the sealer and then not being able to walk on it for a few days afterwards as that would be pretty difficult for us in the winter.
It was amazing to have Av home a couple times this summer ~
We did some more landscaping upgrades and relocated 10 evergreens into the front. What nice "fenced" tree line that'll be in a few years.
We did some updating to the pool this summer as after 12 years the tile and some of the plaster was looking pretty shabby. Next spring, we are going to have to replace the pool cover because that decided to break n stop working about 1 week after the pool was done.... well of course!
This time around we got smarter and had a company come deliver water to fill the pool. It filled the whole pool with in minutes with amazing clean water (ours is terrible with iron) and this summer we had no issues with the water clarity or keeping it clean so it was a WIN!
To make my life easier we got this dude..... My pool boy that Av named Kevin. It's a rumba for the pool that cleans the pool floor and walls. I've done all the pool cleaning and maintenance for the last 12 years and boy is it a nice feature to just have to plug him in and he cleans the pool for me.
Before the weather got cold n snowy, we just finished putting in a gravel driveway to our detached garage in hopes to stop rutting up the yard when taking out the RV. We also had our vacant front lot leveled off and my hope is we could have the whole 3 acres planted with sunflowers in the summer, now wouldn't that be amazing?!? At least we are getting some of the work done around the house, it's just too bad it's all the outdoor stuff.... It all has to get done I suppose.
Like a scene out of Snow White, I've made a friend. She would come and visit me and couple times a week. Though I haven't seen her in a while I will always remember her visits and how close she would let me get to her.... I call her Pretty Girl.
Oh, the wild life here..... it's another reason for us to stay. This crew is a constant here as they are walking somewhere in the yard darn near every day. Thanksgiving is almost here guys.......Take cover!!!It was amazing to have Av home a couple times this summer ~
The dogs enjoyed her snuggles
It's always a sad reality when it's time for her to go back "home"
Thank God for modern technology to make the time away go by easier ~ we LOVE our facetime moments.
Back at the BIG 10 University of Minnesota
Welcome Av!
Her sophomore team photo
Look whose back on the boards and she's Amazing!! I know I'm somewhat partial BUT she has already qualified with Zone entry scores after he second collegiate dive meet. She's Crushing it along with learning new dives
I can't tell you how awesome it is to watch Av dive in person again. I'm so thankful that UMN is allowing in person spectating in addition to having an amazing team of nursing to hang out with Danny so I could go. We've been able to drive over to MN twice so far to watch her dive. The away or home meets that we are not able to attend we can watch the meet on the Big Ten app but again I'd rather watch her in person
How gorgeous is she?!
Yes, she did that!!! Over spring break in California Av had the amazing opportunity to jump out of a perfectly functioning aircraft in hopes that the pieces of fabric parachutes out to breaks her fall. OF COURSE she LOVED it and can't wait to go again but maybe by herself next time. OMG This Girl!!!
Racing season was once again ...... A Challenge! Unfortunately, the T-bird (red car) had many obstacles the start of the season so it spent more time in the shop then it did on the track. If there was a season to break Dan..... this would have been the one, but he rolled up his sleeves and worked tirelessly to get the red baron back on pavement.
He's been "stuck" with me mostly this year as his Pit crew
The beginning of the season Dan started off with this trusty 'ol girl. Gotta love the Fairmont ! Both cars are drag racing vehicles BUT they are very much different beasts.
She's BACK!!!! With all changes that had to happen to get her down the track this year, it's still a new learning curve and they are working on their "relationship". Once the computerized data system gets here it should make the diagnosing and programming easier.
It's nice that Dan's been racing in between our home track at WIR in Kaukauna and then also at Rock Falls Raceway in Eau Claire which is only 1.5 hrs away from Av so she comes to visit when her schedule allows.
Our sub shop, Blimpie's, is holding its own during this pandemic which sadly I can't say has been the case for some of the eateries/restaurants around here. We too struggle to get the man power and products needed but somehow, we're doing it. Our manager is a blessing and we're absolutely lucky to have her running the sub shop for us.
The laundries are running with lil or no hitches, so far they have been unaffected by the pandemic. We are pretty busy with the two laundries and Dan is even starting to replace machines in the Neenah store as they have been in service for over 12yrs already.
My Pot leaf ~ supporting the best medical treatment I decided to do. Best decision ever!
I got one of Danny's EKG's put on my armThis too shall Pass with the strength of an arrow, lotus and compass to show me the way
My perfect storm with the lightning bolt colors Red - blood disorder, Orange - MS, and Green CP
I will be starting another new MS disease modifying drug as the drug Ocrevus I tried last fall wasn't a good fit for me as it made me feel worse. The new one is called Mavenlcad and it'll be the 7th attempt to "slow down" the MS progression.... ones gotta work for me, right?! I don't think I have it in me to try another after this so I'm hoping and praying I found the right one this time around. I've decided this will be it, if it doesn't work well with me I will just let MS do its thing so please send me some good mojo my way. I'd appreciate it!! I won't start this one till after the first of the year as I really don't want to potentially ruin my Christmas vacation if it doesn't work out. This one is alil stronger chemo like med so the immune system will be once again hit (still isn't completely back from Ocrevus), I've heard there is fatigue, and that there will most likely be some hair loss. Time is will tell if it'll work and if it'll throw anything else at me, but I still have some time yet before I give it a whirl as I have to finish my shingles vaccine second round yet and then the winter vaca then I'll start it. The last few months I've definitely have had enough vaccinations that's for sure.... all 3 for covid, 1 for Flu, and 2 for shingles. Out of them all the 1st shingles shot really hit me, thankfully it was only extreme fatigue but damn it makes me wonder how I'll be next week when I get the 2nd one.
Danny is all vaccinated for covid and Flu (well we all are and so is his nursing team). He did great and thankfully he had no nasty side effects. I am grateful we have so far kept covid outta of the house.
I am still scared to death that'll get in here. It must be nice to live in a selfish world and not have to worry about the life of another. I'm finding out that our already small "bubble" is getting smaller n smaller and it's very lonely and depressing. After living in the medically fragile world for 19yrs you'd think I would be calused by now so I don't know why I'm so surprised but I'm just wow'd at the lack of compassion and caring towards another if someone has to go out of there way. SO many that refuse to get vaccinated and then they don't follow covid protocol to stay away from crowds or mask up. What is it you want to do help curb this virus.... NOTHING?!? So many say they care but when it gets real.... NOPE! Actions speak LOUDER than words!! How is it we are doing everything to try and protect n be safe but we still are being criticized. It's ridiculous how so many think that this medical, mass casualty virus is politically driven. Just like when Trump was to no longer be President it was going to go away.... BUT here we are almost 2 years later and it's still killing. Oh, that's right it doesn't matter as this virus it's mostly killing ones that are older or have an underlying medical issue already so why should the general public give a shit anyway. I'm so sick of this fight and feeling like we will be forever locked in this house because of so many that just keep going on like nothing is going on. Count yourself lucky you don't have that worry. I hope you can live yourself if you should bring it to someone you love and they are forever altered by your lack of action.
With that being said we still were able to get Danny out to do some fun things outside this summer.Pierce Park Car Show ~
He got to "meet" Burt
Av helped me with Danny's last "school" picture. Even though he never went to school we still put him thru some sort of yearly pic. This would have been Danny's senior year. Bittersweet to say the least. Another milestone gone by and my heart just aches for all that he missed out on and never got to experience. All the wondering .... Sports, friends, grades, girlfriends, career path ....... Who would be? No matter what he is and always will be so handsome!!
AND Cool!
He did wake up briefly to help me hand out treat bags to our record number of 55 kids. We were both tired after that. He was hanging out with me that nite and has had his fill of me lately as we are down a nurse. Due to her schedule, it just wasn't working for her to work with us any longer.
He made the annua Fire Dept Picinic and enjoying watching Theda land instead of being a passenger
Watched a demo of a car extrication with his Dad
We went to the Twisted Piston Car show in Menasha
Last week Danny had a procedure done at the local hospital Thedacare. To say I was nervous was an understatement even though it was something small. It has been a minute since he had to go under anesthesia and they have never "worked" with him before so my anxiety was HIGH.
Thankfully the whole team was amazing to work with and I'm alil less hesitant if we should need their care again. Everything went well and he was home that afternoon alert and feeling fine. He's a ROCKSTAR!!
The pups are doing great! I said we should add a kennel with our remodel and just get more loving loyal dogs ~ LOL
They are definitely a good looking Pack.
Thanks for stopping by and checking in on us. Stay Safe and Healthy!