Sunday, July 19, 2020

What the hell is going ON!!!!

I've been at a loss of words the last few months..... there is SO MUCH to blog about BUT finding myself in the right frame of mind to blog is harder then it typically is.  I'm usually the one to document our lives as I'm an open book …… but the last few months I've shut down.  Living in the fear of the unknown, the world is a scary place right now and I am having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this.  What's the right things to do, how safe are things, will we be ok??  If I let myself think about it too long I swear I'm going to go absolutely batshit CRAZY!!  I have limited my news watching because seeing all the illness, anger and violence going on was sending my anxiety into overdrive.  Unfortunately Wisconsin isn't doing it's best to try and flatten the curve and I'm finding/hearing about more n more people THAT I KNOW get Covid which just wants me to hide in the house even more.....BUT life has to go on..... well the best we can do. We are all trying to figure this out and do what is the best for our families. I know we all don't have the same journey so BE KIND to one another.  A lot has been going on around here so sit back and you might want to grab a drink and snack as this might be a LONG post.
Danny has only left the house twice since the pandemic hit in March, once for a cluster of Doctor appts that were follow ups in Green Bay and the other was to get his arm/hand/and foot braces looked at.  Thankfully his nurses are still coming daily to help me care for him in the home and his PT comes here to the house twice a week so he really doesn't have to go anywhere which is good as I'm keeping him home (unless it's an emergency).  Danny has been a real prince the last few months with staying healthy and being in a decent mood.  It's unbelievable as Honestly he's the best he's ever been!  He's been able to chill out in the pool on those HOT days.
Looking amused in his sloth mask  ~ YES we wear masks when we are out.  Need to take all precautions so this handsome young man DOESN'T get covid.  I can only imagine how hard it would be on his system if he should get it.  PLUS I'm scared to death the powers that be will deem his life non essential and not want to treat or help him...... then I would get so ugly I don't even want to think about it.
 What a man of leisure !!
Danny loves to watch and hear the race car 
What a cool dude amongst the gorgeous sunflowers
 This smile will melt any stress' away

 For the 4th of July Danny and I hung out once again watching the Macy's Firework display on TV.  The fireworks were blown off in Neenah, but at a different location this year with the theory most would be able to see the show from their own homes.  I knew we wouldn't be able to see them as we live out in the town south of the City. BUT there was enough fireworks displays that people did in the surrounding area here that we got to see some of them.  The dogs were NOT amused is an understatement.  I had the house closed up with the air conditioning, tvs, and fans on to help drown out the I gave them some CBD oil to help calm them down some.   Dan and Av went up north to the hunting shack with Av's core group of kids that she's hung out with during this pandemic to go 4 wheeling, swimming, and put on their own fireworks show.
 Cheers!!  We hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July

It's with a heavy heart I have to share that we had to put our sweet Gunner down April 23rd.  The tumor we found as a ping pong size lump over Christmas break just grew so quickly and consumed his whole right side with wrapping around his rib cage and spine.  He was having problems breathing as it was taking up a lot of space making it harder to breathe and to walk.  We had maxed out on the pain meds we could give him and I didn't want him to suffer anymore just because I wanted more time with him ..... My sweet boy ~ you are missed deeply, I hope you had a great life and know how much you were loved.
Av spoiled him as much as she could with chicken nuggets, French fries, a milk shake, and a walk before we brought him in.

I was surprised how differently the other pups were acting after Gunner was gone and after a few weeks we welcomed a new pup to our crew.  I would like to introduce you to Shandy!  We believe she's a beagle mix. She was rescued from a terrible hoarding situation were she lived her 2yrs in a kennel in a barn to have puppies.  She's a sweet soul BUT very timid with humans.  Shandy loves the other pups and they are helping her open up BUT it's been a slow process....that's ok sweetie we got the time.
Those EYES!!!
 Now with these pics you'd think her and Av would be tight...that is not the case anymore.  Something must of spooked her and unfortunately Av is the only one she growls at and will not let get near her.  We are working on getting the trust back. Shandy has been with us for almost 2 months and she's finally starting to warm up to the nurses.
 That SMILE!!
She fits right in with the others...popcorn is her favorite.  Well she loves any food for that matter BUT popcorn is it!!
The Crew
 Unfortunately Lil Lacy's shunted Liver is acting up more and we are at the limit of her meds.  She is starting to refuse to eat or take her meds so I've been getting pretty crafty on ideas trying to get her to eat.  I tell ya 2020 can SUCK it as I have a terrible feeling that we are going to have to put her down sooner then later, but I'm not ready to give up on her just yet.  Danny and Lacy are so close heart breaks knowing how losing Lacy will be a devastating change for Danny.

She did IT!! Av graduated!!  The last 2 months school was virtual so that was an adjustment but she handled it well.  Neenah didn't have prom (at least she got to wear her dress for Danny's Prom) or a graduation ceremony, thank you Covid!!  They did have a Senior parade through the city which turned out pretty cool and then the district had a virtual ceremony.  I have to say it was pretty nice watching 480 kids graduate on tv in the comfort of our own home and it only took 1.5 hours, amazing!!  I wasn't sure how the virtual ceremony would go but I thought they did a nice job...even better when I don't have to sit on bleachers for hours in a hot gym dealing with people. Av didn't just achieve 4 state diving titles and qualified for 4 All-American titles for her High school career BUT she also manage to obtain final gpa of 3.97.
I tried to make her graduation alil more memorable with booking a photo shoot with the ever so talented Tara Rudy.  With Covid going on she came out to the house and we did the pics outside with our own props while we did a social distancing photo shoot.  Once again her pics were stunning!!  Here's a pic the metal collage we had made with our favorites.

The day after graduation Av went into the OR to finally have her right shoulder repaired.  We missed having it done in April due to the hospitals shutting down all non essential surgeries.  That truly put a BIG damper in Av's plans. The recovery time is set out so much later that IF the Hawkeyes should have a dive season she won't be healed enough to compete.  The only bonus to this is either way IF they have a season she is "RED SHIRTED" and IF they don't have a season she still wont be competing.  Which will allow us to get her back into surgery for her left side before the year is done.  She'll be able to recover and BE READY for the boards the next year.

 Poor thing woke up pretty nauseas BUT really not feeling pain due to the nerve block they gave her.  She had to wear the brace at all times (other then showering and PT) for 6 weeks
 The repair (tightening the capsule and sewing up her labrum tear) was done laparoscopically so only 5 small cuts.  Now the left side will probably be an open repair (one long incicsion over her shoulder) as not only does she have to tighten her capsule and sew her labrum tear on that side too BUT also her muscle is torn.  It's even more impressing to know her diving accomplishments were done on two "broken" shoulders.
She is now 2 months out so half way through her recovery stage before she can go back to normal activities on the right side.  We are hoping to get the left one done the end of November beginning of December during college break (if they even go) to give her enough recovery time to be able to be somewhat independent if they end up going back for 2nd semester.  The first week was NO PICINIC but by the 3rd and 4th week she was able to do a lot of things on her own.
We are extremely lucky to have PT Josh.  He now works back to back in the home with both kids.  Av measured out at 140 degrees during yesterdays PT session.  Right where she needs to be.
In regards to Iowa ~ things are still looking towards them moving in August 18th.  Av was able to get her own room now as I felt it would be better for her to have her own space (a safe zone) for her to go to.  With Covid and her not having a spleen due to her blood disorder we don't how it will effect her if she should get Covid.  The college is requiring masks to be worn if they are not in their dorm rooms and right now most of her classes are already going online and I have yet to hear if they will resume in person classes after 1st semester (again if they even go).  Everything is so up in the air and the constant worry of what is the right thing to do. I do know that the football players have been there and they are already starting to test positive.  Such trying times right now, sigh.  Av has her placement tests complete, her classes are all signed up, and her room is assigned so we went shopping to get all the décor and supplies to make her dorm room and comfy home for her.  I'M NOT READY !!
Photo ID is making it more official
We had a wonderful grad party for Av.  We decided with all the space we have at the house we could put on the party with ample space to social distance.  The garage was cleared out with lots of different seating areas,  we required everyone glove up when dishing up their food, and out in the backyard kids could swim or we had several yard games they could play.  With having the party from 1-7 it was nice that people could come and go thru the day which helped with smaller crowds.  Unfortunately due to a covid scare in the family some of our relatives couldn't be here because they didn't get their test results back in time.  Very happy their tests came back negative BUT sad they weren't here.  
This sign was made and has been on the door every last day of school since 2nd grade
 Pool is ready
 Once a Rocket and now a Hawkeye
 Still can't wrap my head around her graduating!!!
 We even had the Kona Ice Truck stop by so everyone could get a snowcone.

Last winter I was able to talk with the farmer that planted corn in our open lot last year and we agreed that SUNFLOWERS would be planted this year.  I am SO EXCITED to watch them grow.  They are starting to bloom now.  What a beautiful site it will be to look out the front windows and see a bunch of sunflowers

Due to Covid we closed our sub shop "Blimpies" at the end of March, BUT after a few sets backs and a lot of preparing great news is we are eager to reopen on Monday.  Now I just hope everyone follows directions so we don't have to close again.
Dan has been busy changing the floorplan of the race car trailer to accommodate the new golf cart and race car inside the trailer.  Once again the race cars were stuck at body shops or repair shops before the season began BUT they didn't have the car race ready.  Thanks to Covid the race season is all screwed up so it really wasn't too big of deal BUT it would be nice to be able to get the cars down the track to see how they do and what if anything needs to be changed before next season.  There are few more weeks left so MAYBE he'll be able to race at least one of them soon.
The T-bird required a different certification of NHRA on not only the car/chassis but also Dan needed  the certification also.  They had a class down in Florida at Gainesville Raceway when We were to be on Spring Break vacation BUT thanks to Covid we cancelled our trip.  Dan still went down to FL in the RV so he could remain isolated while taking the class which is not only classroom but also getting in one of their race cars to pass the course.  Once Dan returned he stayed in the RV for 2 weeks to quarantine before coming in the house just in case.

With the sub shop being closed and the racing season out of the picture Dan still found things to do.  He wasn't bored!! The laundries were open and runny full tilt, thankfully we haven't had too much of an issue with the lack of coin circulating. 
We rented this lift so Dan could stain the cedar planks on the turret and all the cedar beams around the house.
 And replace one of the pieces of siding that blew off the big garage.
 Dan smoked 20lbs of pork shoulder for pulled pork sandwiches at Av's Grad party and I have to say they were THE BEST I've every had!
Our house excitement the last few weeks was replacing the well pump.  After multiple visits from the well company due to the well and the irrigation system not playing nice together they said we needed to replace the pump and motor (probably from the 3 times we were hit by lightening).  Finally everything was replaced and now we are just waiting to see if the water tests ok before we can drink it
Don't worry our over a year front door saga still continues.  We are waiting for the new door to come in and hope it seals better, locks better, and the glass isn't faulty.  Again thanks Covid for delaying this even longer.   We also found 3 window panes that have blown so they are on order too.  No leaking just foggy looking glass.  The three small panes are located above our heart window display
Danny helped out with making and decorating the window.  Nice job buddy!!

I have been pretty home bound other then to go to the weekly plasmapheresis treatments and monthly IV steroids for my MS treatment.  Well I didn't/don't go anywhere even before Covid hit.  Do to some of my MS symptoms its just easier and less stressful to stay home.  I was to start a new MS treatment, Lemtrada in April BUT thanks for Covid that was delayed.  I still haven't started it and I'm not sure if I will go on it now.  It is a med that wipes out my whole immune system and I just feel it would be reckless with all that is going on with Covid (it's crazy here in WI right now....I know so many people that have it, had it or been in contact with someone).  I've also had some more time on the FB support page for the drug and I'm concerned how people have had side effects of EXTREME fatigue, hair loss, flushing to the point of feeling like you are burning form the inside out (weeks, months and I've even seen years after treatment), and then you have the less comment worse side effects.  I find myself in another relapse with numb tingly left leg and foot so I'm in a pickle as to what to do.  Deal with what MS throws at me OR potentially add even more to my plate with medical issues.  I just don't have the lifestyle for this crap!!

I did treat myself to a new tattoo when they opened back up.  The nasty scar is now beautiful cherry blossoms.  it turned out amazing and is So much easier on the eyes then that scar.
filled in Gunner's heart

 and added a paw print for Shandy
The hot humid weather we've had has made some pretty amazing sunsets
 The weather also makes for awesome pool time!  You'll find me in there.....
 Having a cocktail......
 and probably watching or making tiktok videos.......yes I've gotten on that bandwagon and enjoying it.
I hope this finds you well ~ stay healthy my friends.  It's scary times so please try and BE KIND.  I'll try to post more often, thanks for stopping by and checking in on us.