It's just embarrassing to see how high the covid numbers are climbing here in our's ridiculous crazy. When Neenah, WI makes it on the national news as one of the nations newest Hot Spots, I just shake my head and want to cry. I feel as if I won't be able to leave the house feeling safe for a VERY LONG time. The numbers are climbing by 2-3K A DAY!! So many people I know have been effected by this virus and the way things are playing out I feel it's just a matter of time before everyone will get it. The impending doom is lurking around everywhere!!
Danny left the house only 2 more times since the last post and both were last week......One was last week for quick flu shot at the pharmacy and the other outing was this weekend to help me pick out some pumpkins for the house
House has it's fall décor if the wind would settle down some so these inflatables don't pop or fly away.
Yes the door saga continues, isn't the fill in door beautiful......who knows when the actual door will be back. Danny did a good job picking out pumpkinsOf course I had to take a picture of him for his "school" year pic
This pic sums it up......the look on his face. HAHA!! Danny has been dealing with ME a lot lately. The last couple months have been a whirl wind of nursing issues. We're working them out the best we can, BUT it will be so nice once I have more help. One Nurse was out for 2 weeks with a hand surgery, Another nurse is out for 6 weeks recovery from her surgery, then one of the nurses decided to move closer to family out on the west coast, and Av is out with helping as she had her second shoulder surgery, plus our other nurse was out for a few days waiting on covid tests for her family. ANYONE left ......that leaves ~ ME!! Sorry buddy !! We're making the best out of the situation and there is light at the end of the tunnel. I hired a new nurse and she is fitting in really well, then the beginning of November we should have everyone back working their normal shifts, PHEW!!For the most part Danny remains a Prince. THANK GOD!! Today happened to be a rough one for him with retching, lower stats, and higher heart rates....BUT after some PRN meds, his morning routines, a shower, and a nap he seems to be more himself. I'm hoping it's just fluke and nothing more then "Just a bad day".
Well the trigger was found on Monday.....he has a UTI! So we started antibiotics and I'm hoping he's back to being himself soon. I'm also crossing my fingers he doesn't have any adverse side effects from these big dog abx as he hasn't been on them in 2 years. Well I jinxed myself as the last 2 evening Danny has been storming with multiple Neuros and retching. Poor bug isn't feeling well !!
The sunset kissing the tops of the trees in the backyard
RV is so long and then add the car trailer .....
Burn out
I'm sure the extreme change in weather isn't helping him either as I know I'm feeling it. The winds of change have swooped in as the temps dropped significantly, winds picked up, and its been gloomy n rainy more then not, we even saw a few snow flakes here on Friday ~ YUCK. Thankfully we got all the outdoor furniture, decorations, and toys (boat n cars) put away in storage so we are ready for mother nature and jack frost to bring on Winter. So disappointing that we don't get a longer fall as the weather and colors are amazing!!
Fun game of Tetris trying to get everything in the storage garage
Check out these awesome areal pics of our neighborhood and Lake Winnebago in the background. Pics courtesy of Bernie V
The backyard colors before the wind n rain knocked most of the leaves off. Now we get to look at sticks for the next 6 months, sighThe sunset kissing the tops of the trees in the backyard
I think the sunsets are more colorful in the fall too ~
Lately the deer have been getting nice n close to the house.
Let's GO Racing!! The T-bird has made it to the race track multiple times this year. After a few "new car" hiccups the car has been running well. I was able to go to the track to help out a couple times. It was nice to get out and do something fun. We just hung in the trailer or by the car so we really weren't near anyone which made me feel less anxious seeing we could "social distance"
Fixing the car at the track....good thing Dan's alil guy so he can fit under the car as it's a pretty tight space
Av n Sean came to watch tooBurn out
The 2020 Racing season has ended and the cars are put away for the winter. Just a few tweaks to the t~bird and it should be ready to roll in the spring when the tracks open up. I'm sure next year Dan is going to want to make up for lost track time and find more places that he can race at. Let the hunting begin Now that the race season is over the gears are switching to hunting season.
Dan has put his name in the running for becoming a Captain at the Town of Neenah Fire Dept
The pups have been doing really well with showing Shandy the ropes. I have to say the last week she has opened up and really came out of her shell. She's running around with the other pups and she's starting to play with us and some toys. It just breaks my heart to know that she had such an awful start in life as she's got such a sweet soul.
This week Lacy had her annual vet appt and we received some not so good news. Her bile acid levels continue to climb despite the special diet and meds she's on to try and control her shunted liver. We also found out her calcium levels are climbing. The vet believes it's do her possibly having cancer. Seeing we are already giving her quality of life measures with the liver issues we are not going to look further into the new cancer news as it really won't change our plans/treatment. It's just heart wrenching that my sweet Lil Lacy is so sick. She's my shadow and cuddler.It's with great sorrow I have to announce the passing of my Uncle Tom. He lost his short battle with a liver problem. It's Crazy how fast Our Lil family is getting smaller. RIP Uncle Tom!We dress up nicely!
I've been trying to keep my sanity and survive the craziness of everything this is going on around us. I've become even more of a home body to try and keep us all healthy and I've been doing many fill in hours of the nurses seeing there are so many holes in the schedule. I typically will leave once a week to do a run to the pharmacy and grocery store....I know pretty exciting stuff!!
I did get a new tattoo last week. The Phoenix ~ Rise from the ashes, dust yourself off, you're NOT done yet!! Love the meaning on the phoenix as I've had my fair share of starting over, but I also like the phoenix as this particular bird is in Harry Potter. The kids and I have watched the movies many times.Love all the colors!!
Yes I did get out and I voted early.....It was me, the 2 poll workers and 2 other people in the room when I was there. In and out in a matter of minutes.....YAY!Yesterday I went in for a MRI of my head, neck and spine (about 2.5 hours in the mri tube) to see how MS is doing. I'm doing ok, right now the only issue is I really never got full feeling back in my left arm/hand after my last relapse but at least I have more function of it. We'll see how 2020 and all that it has thrown at me has effected my MS. Even when I say I'm handling things fine and I think I'm doing well somehow internally the real story comes out. So we shall see how well I really am doing....stay tuned
I also had my MRI not only to see how things are progressing BUT to get a baseline image (along with a measurement of my brain matter which is something new). I am suppose to be starting a new med for MS. I am no longer able to have the Plasmapheresis treatments as the AV Fistula I had done in my right arm has already failed. I can't tell you how disappointed and defeated I feel as That was a brutal surgery physically and emotionally!! It was to last me years and it only worked for a year as it clotted off. I could have went back in for emergency surgery to try and repair it.....BUT I wasn't going to go thru that hell again. I had been speaking with my neuro before this had happened and we had already started talking about the new med treatment which will not use the fistula anyway so after talking with several physicians I'm leaving it clotted off. I was told it will not harm me to leave it .... it just wont be functioning. With all the covid my neuro and I have decided to start Ocrevus infusion which is a 2 times a year (once every 6 months) treatment. It's side effects are less intense as the Lemtrada treatment I was going to start before covid started. Now that I had the MRI and a boat load of labs completed I just have to wait for the approval from the insurance company. So for now "I'm Fine"
Well if that wasn't enough sit back as I've save the BIGGEST for last...... All Av's updates
Av's been hanging at a race track herself, just a different one.....a dirt off-road track. Her boyfriend Sean races Light Buggy cars. Looks like a blast! I've been able to watch it live but wasn't able to get there in person
Danny and I watching Sean race on tv......good thing it was cooler out so the windows were closed as we (ok I) was cheering (maybe yelling) at the tv a few times
Go Sean!!
Well August 20 was to be Av's move in day into her dorm.......BUT after having some serious heart to heart conversations as a family and talking with the Dive coach (who at that time was recovering from covid himself and half his family) we elected to have her first Hawkeye semester here at home virtually because of all the covid cases in Iowa and Av needing her left shoulder surgery so she wouldn't be diving any time soon away. Thankfully we did as the evening of the 20th she found out ALL her classes went virtual so she would have no in person classes and would have been stuck inside her dorm room. Then the very next morning (the 21st) Av found out the devastating news via social media that Iowa had cut the swim and dive program FOREVER. HOLY SHIT!! How awful no one had the courtesy to call her....she had to find out with the rest of America that her dream college and sport is no longer an option for her. Could you see that one playing out....we drive her there, move her in, start the drive back home and then get that phone call from her that her dream is over?!?! I'm so glad she stayed here and we were able to figure this out together at home. After many tears and talking to the dive coach she was advised to put herself on the NCAA recruitment portal to open herself back up to other colleges that would want her on their dive program. We were blown away with the interested colleges. The end of September she made her decision ....... She will be attending
University of Minnesota in the fall of 2021 ~ She made a verbal commitment to the dive coach
To say we are proud of her is an understatement! She had handled this set back better then most adults would have and she had come out in a better position. This girl is going to do amazing things!! Go Golden Gophers!!!
Av will continue to study virtually at home thru Iowa and recover from her left shoulder surgery. She had her left shoulder surgery at the end of September and I have to say .... Night and day experience! The first one was brutal as she was in so much pain. It took weeks to get her off pain meds and to be able to move without being in a lot of pain. This time around by day 4 she was off pain meds, already showering and getting dressed by herself, and driving. AMAZING!! I can only wonder if they mucked around with her nerves the first time around. I don't know but I'm grateful this time around is going much better for her.
All done and ready to hit the road! Her left shoulder needed the same repair as the right ~ tighten her capsule, and repair her torn labrum. Her labrum had a cyst that needed to be removed which was no big deal it just means the the tear has been there for awhile. We we worried her capsule was torn also but once the surgeon got in there he didn't see a tear, just that her capsule is thin.
Bring back the sling for the next 6 weeks
If all continues to go well she should be able to start training on the boards again some time around March. She's pretty nervous how that is going to go as she hasn't been on a board since February and then add double shoulder surgery on top of that. I've heard from coaches it's like riding a bike she'll be back rocking the boards in no time, but until she gets on the board and dives I believe she'll continue to be concerned. Wishing her all the best diving mojo!! I for one can't wait to see her dive again. I miss it so much!!
Another collage of article that have been done on Av since Covid, the news of Iowa, and her accepting to attend Minnesota.
We redid the play/arts n crafts room downstairs into a dorm room for her. I think it turned out really cool!
Can you believe this Saturday Av will be turning 18!! OH MY word .... where has the time gone?! Not too much planned (thanks covid) but we will have a DQ ice cream cake and she'll be getting her first tattoo here in WI from the amazing tattoo artist I have been using for years. She's going to get the cherry blossoms that I have on my arm covering that very long scar for the fistula BUT hers will not be in color....she likes the grey n black tattoos and she is planning on getting it down her spine. I can't wait to see it.
Barring everyone stays healthy we have decided to keep our tradition of a warm white sand Christmas. I have an amazing RV spot reserved for us at our favorite RV park just before the bridge heading into Fort Myers Beach. We have a house on wheels with a full residential frig n freezer so other then getting gas along with way we will be self contained and ready to social distance in the warm Florida sun. I can't wait!! Av and Sean can not stay the whole time so they will be flying down for 5 days and then flying back home. I have some serious anxiety about that obviously do to covid but also because they both haven't flown before (well Av did once to DC for a school trip in 8th grade). Why do they have to grow up?? We will be staying in space A ....driving in and over looking the water with an oversized lot. Bring on the fun in the sun!!
Well I think I have you all caught up with the Osero's. Thanks for stopping by to check on us. I hope you are stay healthy and safe. Much love ..... Lori!!