Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The struggle is REAL my friends!!  As it's 5 days from Memorial day and we still can't get out of the 40's and rain.  Mother Nature is on one of her tantrums and NEEDS to take her meds soon as this is ridiculous!!  Becoming a snow bird once again is looking more and more appealing when the weather here doesn't cooperate.....what happened to 4 seasons?  I'll take this chilly day to finally update you guys on what we've been up too.
Proof the sun does shine once in a while..... when I was out getting the yard picked up from the winter the pups had a photo shoot while we were out.
Ms Indy..... she's doing great and even getting in some play time with the others.  She typically just watches so it's nice to see her being a dog and playing with them.
 Sully.....he's Sully, LOL.  I swear he was a cat in a former life as he's typically scared of everything and you'll find him alone in his kennel on the other side of the house.
 Lil Lacy ~ She's still the spit fire of the bunch and acts like she isn't sick.  Unfortunately that has had it's faults as she'll be running around with the pups and BAM falls down seizing.  I've been told this is the progression of her liver problems so we "try" to keep her settled and treat her symptoms.
 Grumpy Gunner ~ He turned 9 last month! Despite his grumpiness and "old" age I will also see him play around with Lacy when she starts antagonizing him
Love my Furbabes!!

YES I'm Rocking those bags under the eyes !! Danny was having a rough patch and pulled an all niter the evening before so........ Bags it IS!!  I was having my monthly infusion here and I'm very glad to report that my port is back to working properly once again.  My first port I had for 2yrs with never an issue then this one came and in the 2nd month it wouldn't draw blood back.  Thankfully it worked again after they put a med in the line that breaks down clots.  This last month I was able to go the whole 4 weeks without any MS symptoms popping up in between infusions which was a pleasant surprise seeing MS has come out to play more often since late fall.  Bring on the warm weather......I usually am at my best in the warmer weather (totally opposite as most MSer's do better in cooler temps).  As long as I don't over do it.....
My last MRI continued to show newer and "active" lesions in my brain and spinal cord, but I'm not going to dwell on them....I'm going to continue to plug along as long as I can.  Here are some of the spots found
Nothing some sunshine, coffee ........
Or a cocktail can help!!  
I tried these CBD patches recently and they are AMAZING!!  I have to say GAME CHANGER!!  Not only are they affordable BUT the effectiveness of the patch vs the oral CBD oil off the charts.  I've been trying many kinds and types of CBD for years (even before it was OK to be on them) and I haven't come across anything like this before.  I have been asked why did I switch ..... I LOVE the Patch ! I don't have to remember to take it as there is a constant dose being released for 24 hours! So instead of having to take 16mg 4 times a day it's ONE patch a day. No remembering No fuss, just stick and go! With the consistency the patch became more effective and we were able to yet again decrease some of Danny's meds ~ AN AMAZING surprise I didn't plan on. Woot Woot! I still have the oral for break through seizures as the oral we were on is still an amazing product.....I just found these and wanted to share how awesome they are with you all!  If you're interested in learning more or ordering just contact/message me.  GAME CHANGER!!

2019 Garden was planted over Memorial weekend.... I'm sure we'll be busy canning and freezing this fall. 
20 Roma tomato plants, 12 kohlrabi, 2 pickling cuc, 2 burpless cuc, zucchini, yellow zucchini, muskmelon, 2 acorn squash, 6 banana peppers, 6 jalapeno peppers, 12 green peppers, yellow and green table onions.

The wonderful woman in the middle ~ My Grandmother ~ Passed away April 23rd.  Her Obituary can be read HERE.

Our hearts are broken but also at peace knowing she is no longer struggling with Parkinson's.  I'm sure she is being her typical busy body getting things all ready.  Until we meet again!
You will be missed dearly!!  These hands have shown me so much and I'm forever grateful to have such a role model in my life

 The skies were crying the day we laid her to rest, but I'm sure she was smiling with all the beautiful flowers and plants she had displayed.

 Unfortunately this morning Dan's Uncle Graham passed away.  His Obituary can be read HERE.  He was such a kind soul and will be missed dearly.

Fire departments had a devastating hit as a local Fireman was shot and killed in the line of duty while responding to a medical call.  Our thoughts a prayers are with his wife and 3 younger sons during this difficult time

 Our Fire dept and neighboring ones honoring Fireman Mitch Lundgaard during his procession back home from the medical office in Milwaukee.
 Rest in Peace ~ Last Alarm

Av was honored for the 3rd year in a row to be one of then top 8 nominated for the Girls Swim and Dive Athlete of the Year.  This year it was held at the Appleton PAC instead of Lambeau Field and the guest speaker was the one and only Olympic Swimmer Michael Phelps.   What a great experience to be apart of.

Here's the video from her Category ~

(sorry for the screams....NOT sorry!)

SHE WON!!  3rd time is a charm!!
So Proud of Her!!
 THIS IS SO COOL!!  She got to meet him in person and chat with him
Danny stayed up to see her trophy when she got home ~ He IS HER biggest fan!

Av was ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS at her Junior Prom ~ 


Look whose been wanting to learn to drive my Cobra!  She's doing really well, much better then I was when I was first learning
 "SO....when can I take it out by myself?" 

Danny has been a prince lately ~
With switching him to the CBD patch we've noticed him to be more alert ~ AWESOME!!
 Here's a photo of how he can throw curve balls here n there.....rest of his body and fine but his right arm decided to turn red then purple.  This is my finger marks after pressing down on his arm.  Not sure why or how this happens BUT ..... Danny!!
 He's so Cheeky!!  While rocking his Jamaican dread hat
 Even after I took him to Derm to have a procedure done on his thumb he really was a champ.  Handled it better then I would
 It didn't stop him from going in the hot tub....we just got alil more creative
Danny is gearing up for a surgery the end of July to have his baclofen Pump replaced.  The battery life is only good for 6 years and unfortunately that time is up.  Can you believe this will be his 3rd pump already? Can anyone design a battery that charges so we don't have to replace them?  He was just a little guy when he got his first one when he was only 3 years old.  He has a ton of follow up appts in the next few weeks to see his medical team.  He's been good so we haven't seen alot of them lately and I want to get their blessing before Danny goes under.  This will be the first time we will be dealing with new doctors and a new hospital so my anxiety is alil on the higher side.  St Vincent in Green Bay has a PICU so they can take Danny on the PICU floor and there is a neurosurgeon that is willing to do the pump.  This hospital is much closer for us then Children's in Milwaukee and I'm hoping for an amazing experience but I'm cautiously optimistic.  We had a small experience with them way back when Danny was 3 to do the pump trial for 2 days and way back then in the short time we were there we still remember how great it was being there.  I hope and pray this change will be a good one for us.  I've heard from other local families that have gone to St Vincent's that they liked being there.  I will keep you all posted when time gets nearer.

This year we tried something different for Spring Break and we headed down to Port Aransas TX.
 Oil rigs next to shore.....then there were others further out
 The RV towing the Van got on a Ferry !  OMG we were on a FERRY!!!!!
 Driving on
Parked in like sardines
 Our resort
 This is our home on wheels ~
 Our new traveling map stuck to the side of the RV.  Whenever we visit a state we'll fill it in.
She's a hoot
 Dan and his friend Craig ~ they used to work together and ironically Craig was RVing down at Port A too.  It was so great to meet up, catch up on lost time, and reminisce about time of old
We had a wonderful time meeting up for dinners with Craig and Judi 
It was pretty windy the whole time we were there so going in the water wasn't in the cards but the temps were still nice a warm
 walking to the pier
 He may have seen some sun..... OOOPS
 Mother of the year ........ GOES TO ..... this mom !!  UGH ~ Sorry buddy
He says ..... that's ok Mom .... I still love ya!
I wanna be a Cowboy!!  Work it buddy! While in TX you might as well play the part.  I have to say you are one HANDSOME Cowboy

 Day Trip to see the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi ~ 
 The Beach is much different from what we are used to ~ just miles and miles of Beach.  No stores, bars, restaurants, touristy stuff.......lots of sand and water.  BUT you can pull your camper, trucks, RV, and tents right on the beach and camp there. 
 Beautiful sunsets
Rolled Ice Cream was amazing
 We found this golf cart that was decked out like a fire truck.....Dan, Danny NEEDS one of these!!

 Kids got Crabs!!  Av picked out some hermit crabs to come home with us.
 The Bridges that we had to go on ~ DAMN,  $%@!  ~ I just about lost my mind
 Amazing to see on a photograph BUT I DO NOT want to drive on them again!!

I can't believe we had wonderful weather in Wisconsin for Easter!!  I was a spectacular day
 The Easter Bunny hadn't planned for the sun very well......epic fail
 My Lil Sweetie!!
 You bet she has to find a basket too!!
 How did I get so lucky with these two!!

Oddly Dan and I had a free day and decided to go to Lambeau to do the tour and museum.  I highly recommend it and don't forget to stop at the 1919 restaurant for a cocktail and food.....very good drinks, food and decently priced.
 Mock of Lombardi's office back in the day
 3 story high Lombardi trophy
 What a powerful portrait !  Three wonderful QB for the Packers..... RIP Bart Starr 5-26-19
 The tunnel!!!
 brick and cement from the original tunnel ~ oh, all the footsteps that have past over this!!
 I'm not sure why I always thought this was taller ~ Lambeau Leap!!

I'll finish up with my Mother's Day Brunch ~ we were able to get last minute seats for Brunch at the Ballpark.  We were suppose to have Easter at the house but we had some family under the weather so plans changed.  We went to the ballpark once for an Easter Brunch and it was AMAZING!  This time around it was Ok....but I didn't have to cook, clean and I got a complimentary mimosa ~ Can't complain with that.
 We got to eat in our own suite ~
 Check out what Danny med for me ~ his nurses are so good to me

Thanks again for stopping by and checking in on us.  I hope you and your family are doing well!!