Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Will the cold and snow EVER STOP?  Is Spring really coming? It's as if we are living the same day over n over n over and OVER again.  COLD ~ FRIGID ~ SUB ZERO ~ WINDS ~ SNOW ~ SLEET ~ ICE ~ and REPEAT!  This is March?  I know we live in WI, but there comes a time when your limit is met.....I've hit mine!!  I so can't wait for Spring Break and some warmer weather. I might just stay there and not come back, teehee .... Texas can handle us, right?

Love his "Ya Mon" Jamaican look when he goes out in this brutal cold ~ thinking warm !!
 AT least it's pretty

I can only chalk up my ongoing, hit repeat, lets do this over again, back to back MS flare ups to the crap weather around here.  It seems that the flare ups are happening more consistently once every 1.5-2 months out.  I am currently trying to get my last relapse under control as both my legs became excessively weak along with my left arm/hand (I'm left handed) so life has been alil frustrating for me lately to say the least.  I had only 4 weeks in between flares so I'm hoping this isn't my new normal as I don't have the life style to sit on my ass weak and in pain as life passes me by.  Due to needing more treatments I was encouraged to have a med port implanted once again as IV access was becoming even more of challenge then it typically is so to save some time and pain endured that's what I did.  Thankfully the surgeon was able to place it in the same spot it was last time as the other options were to put it in my neck (EEEP) or on the other side of my chest which meant they would have had to cut right through my tattoo.  I've been asked to think about trying a different disease modifying drug, but I can't say I'm on board with starting another med that I know I'm going to have to take other meds to try and ease the side effects.  Double edged sword here....I'm screwed either way!!  Let the MS effects take hold or try and slow them down by giving me a new set of issues to deal with.  Hmmmmm

 So now it's one poke in the chest.  The needle goes into the med port that is implanted in my chest and a catheter runs out of the port that threads into my vein and into my heart.  All my meds, contrast for MRI's and blood draws can come from this access site.
We're each others biggest fans!!  He's my motivation and drive!!  Love you too buddy!!

Av and Jaden danced the night away when they went to Winterfest '19

Av was acknowledged at school by State Rep. Mike Rohrkaste for her D1 Diving State Title
 Av and the State Cross Country Team received their plaques

It's been a new experience as we start to gear for College life....there has been a few colleges that have already reached out to share their interest in Av as well as Av has reached out to few other colleges that she may be interested in attending.  She really dislikes snow, not sure where she gets that from, so most of her options are in warmer regions BUT........ We'll have to wait and see where she decides her final destination will be.

This weekend Av and I are heading down to Northwestern College near Chicago for a dive meet.  Wish her luck!  AND me as I'll be driving in ANOTHER flippin storm on the way home.  

On Sunday 2/24/19 Neenah, WI had the Biggest car pile up on Hwy 41 in Wisconsin's history.... 131 car pile up (all but 5% were totalled) in about a quarter mile area of Hwy 41 South bound, 71 injured (5 were admitted), 1 Fatality, 1 dog passed away, 1 cat lost, and approx. 16 hours to clean the wreck up.  The weather was terrible (shocker I know) with high winds (they were calling it a hurricane on land) of 60mph that hit us for hours after a ice and snow storm the night before.  They believe the crash was due to white out conditions.  I'm trying to get the newspaper articles that were done on the wreck and some photos together and due a collage or something for Dan and one for the Fire/EMS dept.  Here are a few photos that have some meaning to Dan and/or has him in the photo.  Dan was on the south end of the pile up having to help get people out of their vehicles and he had to extricate a female out of her vehicle that was pinned up against a semi.
This photo has Dan to the left in the yellow jacket and the vehicle he had to get the girl out of is wrapped around the right side of the semi box.  You can tell they are trying to remove vehicles here to get to her
So many vehicles in such a small area.....the rescue crews had to walk on top of vehicles to get to the next one until more help came to start removing/spacing vehicles out.

 Here is the vehicle (was a Chevy Cruz).  No one can believe that she walked away from this and just about everyone that saw this photo was sure that this was the vehicle that resulted in the fatality BUT NO she lived and was released from the hospital that same evening.  I was lucky enough to find out who she was by posting/asking on the towing companies FB page and was told she sustained minor cuts, bruising and a pelvic fracture by the boyfriends mother.
Here she is in front of the wrecked vehicle just a couple days after the accident.  How awesome is that!!  She definitely has some amazing guardian angels around her
As I stated there was one fatality.... he was living in Oshkosh and a Science teacher at the Iola Middle/High School.  Andrew was 30yr young.....Rest In Peace
I'm sure if you google 131 car pile up in Neenah WI you'll see a bunch of stories.  They have now released some of the 911 called and body cameras from the rescue teams.  With each in every story I'm just in awe of all that the rescue teams had to endure and that there wasn't more serious injuries.

Thinking Spring and helped bleed the brakes in the new race car.  Here's the fun and safe race season!!

Thanks for stopping by to check on us!  Hoping more the next time I post there will be more warm sunny updates