It's official we have JUNIOR in the house!! Only Two more years......seriously can we hit pause as time is flying by WAY TOO FAST!
First Day of school photo ~ sniff sniff. Av's schedule is nice first semester as her first class is online (which means staying home longer in the am), she gets to leave for lunch this year, AND her last class is a release so she can leave early.
Danny's impromptu "school" photo for this year......
The Boys had their friend Ms Quinn come and join them in the pool too
There was a time when Av was shorter then Coach was........ back when she started in 3rd grade, lol
Dive Team at their first meet in New Berlin, WI
Competitors on the dive board but friends forever.....pic with their club friend Ms Erin who dives for Seymour
First Meet = First win! Way to GO AV! Another Victory
And the Team took home their first Team award for the season!
We had a great time at The Strip at WIR in Kaukauna watching Dan race and the Jet cars
We'd make a pretty good Fire crew, right?!
Since the IV rescue meds for the MS relapse I had I have bounced back and I'm doing well. Let's hope this is the last relapse for a LONG while. I have gone to my Neurologist and unfortunately I am still not eligible to be on any disease modifying drug due to my past diagnosis of melanoma when on MS meds. We do have a better game plan in the event I have another relapse with the usual of IV steroids and if it doesn't seem to be helping my system snap out of it within 10 days then they want me to go the route of Plasmapherisis, which is a plasma exchange to "clean" my system out quicker. Let's just hope I don't have to go down that route anytime in the near future.
Danny has been has been doing well since his last Neuro scares last month. We've been to see his Neurologist also and have tweaked some if his meds which seems to have worked, cross your fingers it stays that way. This month is stack with New Doctors for Danny as next week we are going to his new patient visits with a Pulmonologist and ENT located in Green Bay through Prevea. I'm pretty excited to meet with them and see if Danny is someone they can handle. The 35 minute drive to Green Bay is going to be WONDERFUL compared to a 1.25 hr (if the weather and traffic isn't bad) to Milwaukee. Time will tell when Danny has to have his first admit with their hospital if they really can handle him....... and ME. At the end of the month we will be seeing a new Pediatrician....she is located in the building right next to the old one so not much of a difference in drive there, BUT it will be nice that their "system" will work better with the other physicians as the old one is pretty much a league of their own and it was hard to share their info on Danny with the others on the team. I've been pretty optimist with this new Ped as we haven't even seen her yet and the amount of info she is requesting (so she can be in the know with ALL OF Danny) is making me alil giddy to be honest. I'm hoping we found another doctor that wants to be ALL IN with helping me maintain Danny's care at home. Lets hope this continues and the move is a good one.
Thanks for stopping by to check on us!! We hope you have an amazing start to the Fall and bring on the Pumpkin Spice Season ~
Danny's impromptu "school" photo for this year......
I got a new hair do for the fall too ~ Thanks to Rachel at Studio 142
Due to the wet weather and having to cancel and reschedule Danny's swim party we ended up having a smaller group this year.....BUT it was a fun time regardless!!
Danny and Raymond with Roy the Duck
The Boys had their friend Ms Quinn come and join them in the pool too
High School Dive Season has gotten off to a great start ~
Here's my pic (over the photographers head) of the season photos
Can you find her? I'll give you a hint.....shes with the rest of the Team Captains. So proud of her for going out to be a team captain this year.There was a time when Av was shorter then Coach was........ back when she started in 3rd grade, lol
Dive Team at their first meet in New Berlin, WI
First Meet = First win! Way to GO AV! Another Victory
And the Team took home their first Team award for the season!
Av n Jaden went to the Packers Family Night
We had a great time at The Strip at WIR in Kaukauna watching Dan race and the Jet cars
Danny likes hanging out in the new trailer
It was an Exciting and fun time! Real men wear pink, right? When you can't find his ear muffs he has to wear his sisters ~
The Annual Fireman's Picnic ~
Hanging out with Mac by the Firetruck
Found Dan's turnout gear
We like to watch the "Theda" land (always "fun" to see it land when it's not for an emergency)We'd make a pretty good Fire crew, right?!
5 Generation picture at Grandpa Jim's 86th Birthday party this weekend. Happy Birthday Grandpa ~ WE LOVE YA!
Since the IV rescue meds for the MS relapse I had I have bounced back and I'm doing well. Let's hope this is the last relapse for a LONG while. I have gone to my Neurologist and unfortunately I am still not eligible to be on any disease modifying drug due to my past diagnosis of melanoma when on MS meds. We do have a better game plan in the event I have another relapse with the usual of IV steroids and if it doesn't seem to be helping my system snap out of it within 10 days then they want me to go the route of Plasmapherisis, which is a plasma exchange to "clean" my system out quicker. Let's just hope I don't have to go down that route anytime in the near future.
Danny has been has been doing well since his last Neuro scares last month. We've been to see his Neurologist also and have tweaked some if his meds which seems to have worked, cross your fingers it stays that way. This month is stack with New Doctors for Danny as next week we are going to his new patient visits with a Pulmonologist and ENT located in Green Bay through Prevea. I'm pretty excited to meet with them and see if Danny is someone they can handle. The 35 minute drive to Green Bay is going to be WONDERFUL compared to a 1.25 hr (if the weather and traffic isn't bad) to Milwaukee. Time will tell when Danny has to have his first admit with their hospital if they really can handle him....... and ME. At the end of the month we will be seeing a new Pediatrician....she is located in the building right next to the old one so not much of a difference in drive there, BUT it will be nice that their "system" will work better with the other physicians as the old one is pretty much a league of their own and it was hard to share their info on Danny with the others on the team. I've been pretty optimist with this new Ped as we haven't even seen her yet and the amount of info she is requesting (so she can be in the know with ALL OF Danny) is making me alil giddy to be honest. I'm hoping we found another doctor that wants to be ALL IN with helping me maintain Danny's care at home. Lets hope this continues and the move is a good one.
Thanks for stopping by to check on us!! We hope you have an amazing start to the Fall and bring on the Pumpkin Spice Season ~