Monday, July 18, 2016

Going with the Flow

Av's club diving season was cut short and she didn't compete at Zones in Missouri, as she chipped/fractured her foot jumping out of a boat at a sand bar.  Who fractures a foot in kid!!  Well at least she didn't dive in.  She is walking around in a walking boot for a few weeks and we hope she will be able to start her freshman high school season when practice starts Aug 9th.  I can't believe school activities are going to start ~ summer needs to slow down alil.  She goes in next week for follow up xrays to check how well it's healing.
Last week Av went to Milwaukee to see a sports medicine doctor and trainer not only for the foot but for the ongoing knee pain she's been dealing with for over a year now.  We also added shoulder pain in when we were there too.  She came home with new diagnosis' and a referral for more PT to help strengthen and retrain muscles that are not pulling their weight.  I hope after the PT, and foot healing she'll get back on the board better then ever.  The last time Av was on a board was at diving camp in Iowa the end of June :(  She'll have some catching up to do before her first competition in High School
When bored ~ Av and I tested out the shock collar out so she feels what the dog feels if it should get shocked.  This was at setting #3 (we did 1 and 2 too) and it doesn't really hurt it's just a weird surprising tingling sensation..... well I cried due to laughing so hard.  LOL

Av's babysitting has really started off well this summer and she is really enjoying it.  She has 2 kiddos she's been watching pretty consistently ~  About every other Monday she watches a girl in 1st grade from 9-4 and then 2-4 times a month she watches a lil girl in the neighborhood in the evenings.  They keep her busy and on her toes.... I LOVE IT!!  Looking for a babysitter just let me know.

Danny went down to CHOW to have that tooth looked at.  Thankfully it was just a baby tooth but unfortunately it had cracked and pieces were chipping off. That was his last baby tooth left and the dentist pulled it, no worrying about loose teeth anyore.  It was still connected to a root and it was a molar which meant it didn't come out the easiest. The hole was pretty large .... 3 weeks later it's still healing and bleeding once in awhile :(  She's wearing a cute hat as it was her last day in CHOW dental clinic.
 He earned himself a BIG balloon for being so brave and not biting the dentist.

4th of July was pretty quiet around here as Av was gone with her boyfriends family for 4 days.   I managed to snap a photo of them together before she left.
 I went and got my nails all festive
Dan and I took Danny to the local park to see what they all had going on for festivities ~ there wasn't too much there.  20 minutes in and out, but we didn't leave before we got our orange/lemonade drink....ooooo so good!!
 Well they won't lose her ~ LOL.  Very cool his parents sent me photos here n there :)
 Danny and I watched the fireworks on TV.  I was so impressed with the New York display that we watched.  They coordinated the firework display with music that was being preformed live by a military choir/band.  It was AWESOME!!  Might be our new tradition, no bugs, no traffic, and no mobs of people.  The poor pups were scared by the constant fireworks being set off in our neighborhood ~ one was under the bed and another one was hiding back in my clothes closet, poor bugs.

Danny's new ride ~ a bike trailer/jogger for BIGGER special needs kids.  The company that makes them is Cycletote.  Some assembly acquired :)

 Av testing it out after Dan did a few modifications for clearance

 The LOVE these two have ~  yeap chillaxing on the floor doing a Grey's binge

The wet and HOT weather has made the weeds in the garden VERY happy.  So one day Dan and I spent over 5 hours weeding ~ YUCK!! Boy did I feel it for DAYS afterwards ~ so old!!
 But the results afterwards were rewarding.  We've already been eating the produce ~ Zucchini, Kohlrabi, yellow squash, and few peppers and cucumbers.  I was excited to see a watermelon on the vine this year.  Maybe just maybe ....... we've never had good luck with them

Chillaxing in tie dye

 Av did go to Camp Onaway but with the boot and strict instructions to be smart!!  She'll be gone for the week so it's kinda quiet around here

Danny went to the Appleton Farmers Market with Ms Keren and Ms Emma.  Boy did we score not only some great food but we found a lady that is going to crochet him a pair of cowboy boots (for Ms Emma's wedding) and a pair of sneakers.  I can't wait to show them off!!
 He's so kind and carries our bags for us :)
 After the Farmers Market it was time to cool off and hang out with his friends in the pool.
 Danny and his BFF Griffin ~ my chunky monkey is 4 months younger then his friend.... but you wouldn't know it by looking at them.  WOW ~These two have been hanging out together since they were babies - look how big there getting
 Raymond supervises to make sure they behave
 Jeromy makes my day when he is in the water....he's so happy in the water, kicking around and vocalizing.
 Danny's girlfriend ~ Ms Wyllow and her mom.  Also a chatter box when she is in the water
 Look at that SMILE ~
 I absolutely LOVE having his friends over so they can enjoy some fun in the pool.  Even better that they bring their moms with them so we can hang out too, lol.  We have Danny's BIG Annual Special Needs Swim coming up in a couple weeks and I'm so excited, this will be the 6th year.
If you look real close standing by Danny in the water (blue float under the umbrella) is Ms Keren ~ YAY, she never goes in the water.

Tomorrow we head up to Green Bay to have Danny's IntraThecal Baclofen pump refilled and chat with his Neurologist.  We are seeing an increase with his Neuro's lately so we'll have to see what ideas the Dr has.  Then Friday we are going back to see Dr Kasper for follow up xrays, labs, and to check him over... there are still a few things going on that I'd like him to check out.  Danny has PT tomorrow afternoon and another one the next day in addition to his monthly massage Friday afternoon so he'll be a busy guy this week.
I have a follow up appt this week too with my Neuro here in the Fox Valley.  I'm doing pretty good so I'm hoping for all good things there.
This weekend (if the weather isn't so blastedly HOT) we all plan on going to the drag strip to watch Dan race and see the Jet Cars.  If you're not doing anything head on over to WIR in Kaukauna, maybe we'll see you there.
We got our family photos back and they are amazing!! If you are looking for a photographer give All Seasons Photography in New London, WI a call!!
Here are my favorites ~ Enjoy