Where did the 11 years go!!
I have to admit I find it hard to celebrate Danny's actual "birthday". Its hard to celebrate such a tragic event in our lives. I'd rather say we celebrate his life! 11 years, how amazing is that?!? I was told it would be a miracle if he made it to his 1st birthday so to celebrate 11 yrs of life...HE IS MY HERO!! He's had a hard and difficult life, but I will do everything I can to make him comfortable and want to continue to fight to be here. I LOVE you Lil Man! Thank you for showing me the true meaning of unconditional love. We've grown A LOT together, you and me, and I'm humbled to be your Mom
This year we changed it up a bit and had Danny's party at a Roller Rink ~ The Gem Roller Rink. We had a wonderful time with Danny's Friends and we were blessed once again this year as Santa found us there too, he's always a highlight not only for the kids but for me too.
The theme for the party was Olaf ~ We LOVE Warm Hugs!!
NO Olafing around...it's time to party!!
Olaf Cupcakes all ready to be eaten. We ordered them from Tamara's Cake Guru in Oshkosh. They were DELICIOUS!
Enjoy the photos ~ as you can see it was another wonderful party celebrating Danny's 11 years. I just love looking back at old photos to see how much all the kids have grown.
Wyllow, Danny, Raymond, and Nicholas
Wyllow has a handmade Olaf hat for the occasion. Isn't she a doll ~ Danny's got a girlfriend!! (Prayers as just days after the party Wyllow got very sick with a Central line infection, she's home now, but ended up staying down at CHOW for 12 days ~ over Christmas :( )Nicholas....did I get a smile?
I bribed Raymond to smile...saying I'd give him a kiss if he didn't. Wondering if he's smiling so I wouldn't or smile as he knew I would give him a kiss anyway
I can't get enough of Lil Ms Cutie
Mr Griffin
Ms Tami even came....she works with SN Kids in West Bend and is the Assistant Dive Coach for Av's Diving team. We just adore Ms Tami...thanks for coming to celebrate with us.
Ms Keren got on her skates and got Danny on the roller rink! Love you Ms Keren!!
Unfortunately Ms Aleana's kids weren't feeling well so they stayed home, but it was great seeing Aleana there even if she can't go roller skating (pregnant with #4 and due in June 15)
Go Danny GO!!
Ms Paige ~ she had open heart surgery just 3 week before so she couldn't roller skate yet, but we were so happy to see her come celebrate with us
Ms Pretzel....Danny's girlfriend too ~ Yes I know he's a player, but can't say I blame him with these cutie patooties.
Ms Paige is definitely the reason for the season. She was so excited and enthusiastic when Santa walked in the door. It's kids like her that make believing SO WORTH IT!!
We also did something new with Santa and he had brought balloons for all the kids this year :)
The BIG MAN with the BIG MAN
Aaron and Claire
Sassy Girl
and Tami
The 2014 Crew
Grif and his mom
The Beecher boys with their mom and step dad
Wyllow with her mom n sister
SO angelic the way she looks at him.
Ms Paige and her mom n dad
Aunt Bonnie with Santa
Ms Keren's family
Aaron's with his mom, brother, n sister
And well.....We can't forget Danny's family :)Until next time Santa ~ you have a and always will have a special place in my heart
Av rolling the dice for the number game
Heading to their #'s
Hanging out with Olaf :)
Ms Sarah stealing Danny for a spin around the rink....only at one of Danny's party will someone willing take Danny away :) Most are too afraid of him and all his equipment. Thanks Ms Sarah
Once we got home from his party ~ Danny tried on his Team Danny t`shirt
Love you Danny.....I will ALWAYS be on your Team coaching you through life
Too tired, but got to hold an Olaf cupcake
I hope you enjoyed his party photos! Thanks for following and supporting us ~ We LOVE you all