Avrianna has been very busy hanging out in the basement in her blanket forts IF she's not swimming in the pool. I swear that girl is going to grow gills, LOL. She's decided to do swim again this winter n fall with The Wave Swim Team. It's alot of work and running around but I'm glad she's found something that she enjoys to do. Her piano lessons have really paid off.....Dan and Avrianna will sit at the computer and play together .... I LOVE IT! She's becoming a great musician :) School is just around the corner, WOW I have a 3rd grader. Boy do I feel old, LOL. We are done shopping and labeling the school supplies. She's all ready and thankfully she's still eager to go back to school :) This weekend is super Birthday party busy for her. Avrianna has a sleep over birthday party to be at tonight and then I pick her up to take her to another birthday party on Saturday afternoon. WOW, can you say OVER tired when she gets home....YIKES!
Our newest visitors to our home ...... twin fawns and their Momma :) I heard it's rare to see twins so we're very excited they like to play around in our yard for us to admire them. They are so fun to watch as they prance around :)
Nurse Aleana
The other issues that I was made aware of during our post op visit is that the pelvis hardware could be irritating Danny sciatic nerve....oh great! So this could be the source of discomfort too. PT has started back on so I'm hoping they can work him over and stretch him out, LOL. Danny is continuing to increase his formula regimen....and decrease the TPN nutrition. The "plan" is that he will be off TPN by Monday. WOW ~ I'll take is as the last surgery/illness had him on TPN for almost 5 months. The drive down to CHOW wasn't as bad has I had anticipated it to go, thanks goodness. Mind you he was heavily medicated, but still I had planned for the worst and was pleasantly impressed when he did so WELL. What a ROCK STAR!!
Despite an awful migraine I woke up too on Thursday .... I still was productive :) I had told Danny's nurse that I would make a cake for her daughters birthday. She's a Harry Potter fan and wanted a cake of The Monster Book. I'm not educated with the Harry Potter stuff so I'm hoping this protrays everything correctly. Happy Birthday Alexa!!