So Beautiful ~ Can't believe my baby girl........
...... looks SO GROWN UP :)
It's been pretty crazy around here the last two days. Dan's dad, Papa, has been in the hospital. They had thought he was having a heart attack. After two days of test n procedures they are finding it wasn't...his heart does have so minor things going on but nothing to warrant his pain. So they were going to keep him overnight yet tonight and send him home tomorrow. UM......NO you haven't found out what's wrong with him. Don't you think you'd keep looking if he's still having chest pain, even if the heart checks out? Dan is up there with his Dad right now so I'm hoping he steps up and questions them on what they are going to do about looking into it more. It's GREAT that it wasn't a heart attack BUT what's going on then. I can't believe how narrow minded some docs can be. UGH!
We are still planning on going UP NORTH FOR THE FOURTH to be with Papa n Claudia for the holiday weekend, even if it's just popping in the hospital to say HI and give him some much needed grief (LOL) or we're going to bring up the camper and hang out at their place. With Dan being up north already I'll pack up and drive the kids up there in the camper.
Surgery is a GO for Danny's spine on July 13th. All his labs came back within Danny "normal" limits. The only thing pending is if we'll be able to get his PICC line placed up here a couple days before or if we'll need to go alil earlier in the morning of surgery to have it placed down at CHOW. We're waiting to hear if the local hospital can get the proper PICC line that Danny needs as they don't carry them so it's a special order thing...go figure!
I had a follow up with my neurologist this week. They are finding that I have lost some strength and sight all on my left side. I've noticed it alil but no enough to hinder me in anyway :) They also did some labs and once again my Thyroid numbers are too low meaning I have hypothyroidism. I'm awaiting consult from my primary doc to find out what the plan of attack is. Not really what I wanted to hear, BUT oh well. It's going to be very hard to determine what's what as an MS flare and the symptoms of low thyroid are VERY close. Just what I need two different diagnosis with the same symptoms, BRING IT ON! LOL
Bailey has been a very good girl and I haven't had to put the cone back on. Her incisions are healing very nicely. :)
Not only do we have Osero's organic garden BUT we had 6 fruit trees planted this week too. We have an orchard that consists of 2 pear, 2 plum, and 2 apple trees. Ya I know, like I need any more to do, but I think it's going to be neat. As long as I can keep those darn deer out of the yard. Today, in the middle of the day with us outside, we had 2 deer walk right into the yard. Yes they have NO FEAR! So looks like I'm going to have to start to play hard ball. They have at least left the garden alone since the fence went up. Yesterday I went out to put up the rings around the tomato bushes (yes they are no longer plants, they are HUGE) which I've realized the next year I will need to put them up alot sooner. Live n learn, right? I believe we already have about 25 tomato's :) Dan already ate a hot banana pepper right from the plant....I don't think he's going to do that again, LOL. Why is it guys get cocky when it comes to eating hot things, maybe some day he'll live n learn. Hahahahahahha ~ I doubt it!
Avrianna has gone over to a friends house tonight for a sleepover, Dan's up north with his Dad, and Danny & I are enjoying the peace n quiet. Not sure what we'll do with our free night, but I think there's a sappy movie and cocktail in store for this momma :) Danny doesn't mind watching the tear jerker movie with me.
Thanks for stopping by to check in on us. We LOVE hearing from you too so drop us a note in the comments or in our guestbook. Please have a SAFE n Happy 4th of July!
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