Ms "A" is having a month of Spring Overhaul....I guess you would say. She's been in and out of appts the last few weeks....she's even surpassed Lil Man with his appts lately.
One of her adult front teeth didn't form properly so we went in and had it rebuilt to look like her other teeth. I figured we spent all that time and money already to make are smile better with expanders/braces/retainers, we can go all the way and make it ALL look Great!
Here is Before ~
We have our Dental work done at Brown Family Dentistry in Neenah. They are wonderful!! Thanks Dr. Dawn for your artistic work.
It looks amazing! Other then her gums being alil upset the tooth looks like it's the real thing. Great Job Dr. Dawn and what a GREAT patient Avrianna is. She alot better then her mother, lol. After the tooth was redone it was back to the Orthodontist to get her retainer to fit properly again.
Avrianna also had her annual eye exam done. Unfortunately her eyes have gotten worse, by 2 steps, in the last 6 months. So it is a new prescription for her.....which then she just NEEDED to have new frames to boot.
Check out the bling!
I am taking Avrianna back to the Eye Dr today so she can be fitting for CRT contact lenses . Which is Cornea Refractive therapy ~ these are a hard lens contacts that she will wear each night, while she sleeps. As she is sleeping these lens will reform her cornea so that throughout the day she will see 20/20 without any glasses or contacts in. It's amazing! I hope this works for her as with all the water sports she does and her decline in vision she really needs correction all the time. She couldn't even see the BIG E without her glasses on. 6 months ago she could read with her glasses down to the 5th row, but this time is was only to the 3rd row. Guess she really couldn't see the board at school, sigh. The CRT lenses will be wonderful for her until her eyes have calmed down and then we could look at something more permanent, like Lasik. So for now these CRT lenses will do what Lasik does but without the permanency.
It's the week before Spring Break and Avrianna's school had Spirit Week.....She had a great time play the parts
100 yr old day
Color War ~ 4th grade was ................ RED
Neenah Sports Day ... My lil Cheerleader!
Danny had another field trip to school on Thursday. I think I had more fun then he did as he really didn't have any interest in being there. He was a trooper though and stuck through it ~ LOL
It's the week before Spring Break and Avrianna's school had Spirit Week.....She had a great time play the parts
Crazy Hair Day
Jammie Day!!

I know I am partial but DANG is she just the cutest! She's growing up so fast and becoming a beautiful young lady.
The class was coloring Easter Eggs. Just look at that face ~ "Seriously Gail....Can we be done?"
"Alright let's go, now" ~ he was so serious the whole time :(
I am so excited with this years schooling. I will be definitely looking into seeing what we can do next year for Danny to increase his time. The therapist and teacher have done great things with him this last year. What a difference a new teacher and a year can make. YAY!!
I hope you ALL have a Wonderful, Safe, Happy Easter! We are looking forward to some down time around here. But don't worry we do have a few things planned for our Spring Break......We are going to head to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago one day and then I'm going to take Avrianna up to a Water Park in Green Bay for the day and I volunteered to have Easter dinner at our house now. It will be nice to be able to sleep in for a few days. Just don't tell Danny or we all know he will throw a wrench in things......down time and Easter time just doesn't go hand n hand with my Lil Man. I can't tell ya how many Easters he's been very sick :(